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Making Characters Stand Out Visibly

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I was playing around with the CVARs today, and I came across an interesting feature: a setting that allows characters and objects to stand out from the background more, to your liking.


For any Clone Wars and/or Rebels fan, or any old-school type gamer, who prefers a clear contrast between graphic elements on the screen, this hidden setting is a welcome change in visual perspective. You'll see what I mean...


Stick this line into your autoexec.cfg (for SP):


//Enhance Character/Object Contrast
set r_ambientScale 1.3

You can tweak the value. The higher, the less the characters and objects will be affected by the map's darkness/lighting, and the more they will stand out in comparison to the terrain details. Around 1.3 seems to be the middle value where they are still visually similar to the background, but independent enough to be highlighted, to stand out.


Unfortunately, it only seems to work for SP, as in MP this setting seems to be hardcoded, and overwritten by the default value at game load. You can still use it in MP as well (by directly entering it into the console) if cheats are enabled.


Feel free to upload and post a screenshot here of the look of your chosen personal settings if you've found this discovery useful! <3 Enjoy!

LucyTheAlien, Jeff and Teancum like this
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