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Missing textures/shaders on base models

Go to solution Solved by mrwonko,

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This bug is killing me and I don't know how to fix it. Some of the default models I use in my map aren't displaying their textures or shaders properly. Sometimes it just shows flat black instead of the texture, sometimes there's just nothing.














There's supposed to be a plant in that pot in the last screenshot. I didn't remove models.shader from the shaderlist or anything. And some Googling shows some other people have had this problem, but I haven't seen any solutions offered other than to try using a light_junior, which didn't work for me. And it's not just md3s, the console in the first screenshot is an ase.

Smoo and krkarr like this
  • Solution

Yeah, some shaders don't work properly on models... I think one workaround was using a misc_model_static instead, though you could also try finding the problematic part of the shader and fixing it or giving the misc_model spawnflags 4 (to force it to be handled similar to brushes).

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