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Scaling a custom jawa playermodel

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Multiplayer for Jedi Academy, I know that the server has scaling support since jawa playermodel and other custom playermodels are up to their corresponding scale


It varies depending on mods being used, etc, but as I understand it on most servers only the admin can actually change the playermodel scale - you would need to contact them.

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I got the npc file and the folders are right, I believe it just ignores the npc file and I have no idea why since any other model I've tried works on the server

the npc file 

playerModel ehi
weapon WP_NONE
scale 60
        height          60
health 10
snd jawa
sndcombat jawa
reactions 3
aim 1
move 3
aggression 3
evasion 1
intelligence 5
rank crewman
enemyTeam TEAM_FREE
yawspeed 90
walkSpeed 55
runSpeed 150
dismemberProbHead 0
dismemberProbArms 10
dismemberProbLegs 1
dismemberProbHands 20
dismemberProbWaist 0
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  • 2 weeks later...

Best thing I can think of to do is scale the NPC file of the model to your needs, then in console do playermodel <npc name goes here>, in Multiplayer, as stated before, you'll have to contact the server owner. Depending on what mod the server is using, you should be able to scale to your needs, though again, only through the server owner/someone with authority.

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