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Battle Music won't stop and revert back to explore music after the enemies are killed in OpenJK.

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Okay, so I downloaded the latest OpenJK version after becoming curious enough, and it works GREAT with all the mods I have. There's just one problem. So when an enemy appears on the map and I fight him, like a Reborn for example, it's the usual. But when I beat that enemy, the music doesn't turn back to he explore version of the level. It's mostly in the JKO SP maps, but I haven't tested it on the JKA SP maps yet. And this is in OpenJK Single Player, BTW. Anyone else encountered this before while using OpenJK SP?

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Is this playing JO maps inside JA? Does the music work when using jamp.exe in this scenario?

Or are you using a JK2 build of OpenJK?

Clarification on whether it works with JA SP maps would help to narrow it down too.

I'm using a Jedi Knight 2 mod that allows you to play the JK2 story in JKA's engine. It's a personal mix of a mod uploaded here and a Jedi Knight Academy Outcast mod that is on Moddb. I modified and combined the scripts so specific scenes such as the Mecha Galak scene work perfectly. The problem is with the music in the levels. The normal explore theme plays at first, but after beating enemies and I'm in the clear, the battle theme of the level keeps playing.

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