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KOTOR not canon

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for it to happen.  I am predicting what may very well happen in a few years.  The Jedi Knight series are often considered some of the more successful and fun to play Star Wars games created, and EA has the exclusive Star Wars licence.  EA has three studios under their belts they've claimed will be put to the task of making Star Wars games, if we don't see some sort of Jedi Knight successor you can count yourselves lucky.  They already did it to Battlefront and The Old Republic (the MMO and new Battlefront are both often considered disappointing failures by the general gaming community), you can guess what will come next sooner or later for better or (most likely) worse.


My point in all of this, as it relates to the topic is that EA is the failure point here much more so than Disney, as far as the games go.  You ought to protest them, not Disney.

True, true. People should vote with their wallets, after all. But I'll say this much about TOR: It's THE LAST bastion of the EU for EU fans to play on and experience Star Wars we knew before Disney took over, despite bad gameplay and mediocre story. Battlefront however....That was horrid.

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The ONLY thing that contradicts KotOR and the Bane trilogy (don't forget that it was written by the same people) is TOR. If you try to match things up between the 3 TOR does not fit in anywhere.


I'm going this way with it, KotOR->KotOR2->Bane trilogy->Rule of 2 goes on for generations->Darth Plagueis->The Phantom Menace.


The time between Bane and Plageuis should be left alone since it's said many times that the Sith were thought to have been eliminated so we should assume that they're in deep hiding until the time in which Plageuis and Sideous shift the Force out of balance to put the Sith Grand Plan into motion.

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