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Movie saber blades

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Hello, could somebody help me, which are the best movie-like saber blades on JKhub? :) I know that Moviebattles blades are the most realistic, but is possible to get them, or some similar? Thanks :)


Hello, could somebody help me, which are the best movie-like saber blades on JKhub? :) I know that Moviebattles blades are the most realistic, but is possible to get them, or some similar? Thanks :)

Your best bet would be to use "JK: Enhanced" (Jedi Academy: Enhanced). That has all the coding included in the mod, and is the closest to the movie sabers that you will find, in mods like 'Movie Battles II'. As it uses the exact, same coding.


Im using OJP with same saber SFX and lines and cores from MB and still it isnt same saber blade :D jka enhanced is only for SP, when use it in MP blades are too thin. I want it for multiplayer with bots :D



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Yeah, but i solved problem. I copied saber lines and glows from MB2 and for everysaber i set saberradius to 4.2. Now it has thick blades like in movies :)


Yeah, but i solved problem. I copied saber lines and glows from MB2 and for everysaber i set saberradius to 4.2. Now it has thick blades like in movies :)

Any chance you could show screenshots or a video of what you've done?


Was this for Single Player or Multiplayer.. Or will it work on either?

MrHeisenberg likes this
  • 1 month later...

I do apologize for resurrecting this post, I just discovered that if you type /cg_saberwidth you can alter the width of the blade client side (Tested on a JA+ server).


The 'default' is 0.8.

Tompa9 and Darth Sion like this

MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev

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