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Adding Custom Sounds To NPCs

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I was wondering, is it possible to add sounds (of any kind) to an NPC? My only assumption is to open assets1 (or 2, or 3).pk3, go to the sounds directory, and place them there, go into NPCTool, and edit them there? Reason being, I found a SpongeBob Multiplayer Model (creator is unknown), and I managed to make an NPC, with about 40% of the supplied sounds intact (jump, gasp, and death1 are the only ones I found to be present), and I'd like to get all of the sounds to be present (taunt, death2 (and death3), drown, etc.).

Could a modding noob get some much-appreciated help from the pros ^-^? Thanks to anyone in advance.

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Never ever edit the asset files! Those are required for the game to run and you never want to risk screwing it up, or else you'll have to reinstall. Any mod that you make should be it's own pk3, or in this case, edit the Spongebob pk3.


For NPC help, check out this tutorial for the basics, since you just used NPC tool, this may explain things for you so you understand (I recommend staying away from NPC Tool, its simple enough without a tool)




With that said, the sounds go in the sounds/chars/ folder. So in the pk3, if there isn't a sounds folder, create one in the same location as it should be in the assets. You just need to line up the folders with the ones in the assets.

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@@Circa Unfortunately, I've already tried your idea; the sounds didn't come through (My diagram goes like this, as viewed in PakScape: sounds/char/spongebob/misc/[files]).

And yeah, I actually didn't feel comfortable doing my idea in the first place: I never mess with core files. 

I have learned, thanks to your supplied guide, how to make NPCs on my own now, however! 

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Well, the sound files themselves need to be have specific names, like the ones in the assets. For example, pain75.mp3 plays when the player or NPC reaches 75% health. jump1.mp3 is the sound when the NPC or player jumps. So on and so forth.


They also need to be in 44.1 khz, mono, and either mp3 or wav.

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Well if they weren't in the right format or sample rate, it would give you an error.


The easiest way to check sample rate and format and all that is to download Audacity, open the file, and it should show at the bottom left what the rate is. And then on the left of the track itself will tell you if it's mono or stereo. You'd be able to tell if it was stereo if it has 2 tracks, rather than one.


But I don't think that's the issue, since there's no error. Post your pk3 and I'll take a look.

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@@Circa: Here's the .pk3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5pamTq3nHT8cGRvdDY4S0tuY28/view?usp=sharing



If this link is unviewable, tell me. I'll try to upload it on here, if possible (Google Drive is the only file-sharing host I have an account for).


I'm going to have to respond tomorrow, so please notify me as soon as possible. Thank you! 


Okay, so the files are WAV which should be fine, BUT the pain sounds all have a _1 at the end of them. They should just be pain25, pain50, pain75, pain100. And then for the taunt, it works fine in MP, but in SP you probably need 3 taunts for it to work properly. I just tried duplicating the taunt you have there 3 times, and then renaming them to taunt1.wav, taunt2.wav, taunt3.wav.


After that it should work. If not, the taunts may need to be mp3s.

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