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Supreme Leader Snoke Model - Decent Reference Pics for Face!

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Hey guys, Snoke is one creepy-ass twisted deformed evil man hence why I'd like to see him in JKA. I found a TFA video called 'Before and After VFX' (original was taken down) but I was able to grab pictures of an unlit Snoke and head-busts that were in the video:










Darth Sion, krkarr, Delmi and 1 other like this

Tbh a Plageuis someone made awhile ago is probably just as good.

Not sure I agree. The texturing doesn't resemble Snoke at all and the skin isn't the right colour. However the head shape-wise could possibly produce a good re-skin but the warped and disfigured nature of his face means a model would be needed to do it justice.

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