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How to fix/ change animations while using emplaced guns?

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  • NOTE: this is for JK2 1.02 multiplayer

anyone know how I could fix the player animation for when using the emplaced gun? As most ppl know, emplaced_guns don't visually work by default in jk2-mp. One "fix" for it is to edit the line in g_weapon.c to use imp_mine/turret_chair.glm instead of the mp/ one:

void SP_emplaced_gun( gentity_t *ent )
    char name[] = "models/map_objects/imp_mine/turret_chair.glm";
    //char name[] = "models/map_objects/mp/turret_chair.glm";
    vec3_t down;
    trace_t tr;

As far as I can tell, the animation is supposed to be BOTH_GUNSIT1 while using it (defined in bg_pmove.c):

    if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN && pm->ps->emplacedIndex)
        pm->cmd.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN; //No switch for you!
        PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_GUNSIT1 );

perhaps I should define it in bg_panimate.c, as it seems I can't get it to work by modifying serverside portion of the code alone. Point is, I would like it to look like this:



instead  of this:



sometimes the head isn't bugged, but most of the time it is. I don't want a standing turret version. I do know the chair doesn't actually move without the .gla file (I'll make one if I get the sitting anim fixed).  I just wanna fix it so that the player sits on the emplaced_gun.. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated! :)


-barry 'hit'




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Well, as it seems that I've hit a dead-end with this..




Anyhow, I've got another question regarding emplaced guns. I've managed to get the emplaced gun zoom and fire like a Tenloss rifle gun, shoot in zoomode=1 and zoommode=0, but can't get it to charge the same way a Tenloss Disruptor gun does. I've searched through bg_pmove.c, and edited g_weapon.c back and forth, but it just seems weapon charging is quite difficult for a 'mounted' weapon, as it handles weaponstates differently.


I've edited bg_weapons.c (to make the emplaced gun use AMMO_POWERCELL as it's ammo, and use same values in other fields as well),

g_weapon.c, where I changed the 'FireEmplaced' function with 'FireDisruptor' functions (both alt& main fire), and I changed this bit (in bg_pmove.c):

        pm->cmd.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN; //No switch for you!  


        pm->cmd.weapon = WP_DISRUPTOR; //No switch for you!  

now, how can I get it to charge like a Tenloss also?


any tips/ help would be great!

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