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Weapon mod requests for JO/JA - some neat little features

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Hey there,

I have been thinking about a couple small features regarding guns which I think would add to the general immersion of gameplay in JO/JA, but which I unfortunately (and embarrassingly) don't have a clue as to how to achieve (at least one of them).

1 - The first is I think quite a small and pretty simple change - I have a small understanding on how to accomplish it but I want to be sure.

Basically, according to the Wookieepedia and other SW sources, the E-11 blaster rifle and the blaster pistol use power cells for their ammo supply - not 'blaster packs' as is the default ammo supply set in the games. I'm sure there is a way to alter the default ammotype for whichever weapon one chooses - how could this be achieved and incorporated in to the game in a practical way?

I'm almost certain this is possible since power cells are already used for other weapons such as the Disruptor and Bowcaster (not sure about the Bryar pistol although I think this too relies on blaster packs as its ammo source).

weapons.dat and changing the ammo type?

2 - This is a trickier consideration as it regards animations but I'm still sure it would be possible and would be a cool addition for immersion/realism lovers.

It concerns reloading. Now I know you may initially think (as I did) that reloading is either unnecessary in a SW game or mostly unnoticed in the SW universe, but it still matters nonetheless because it still happens despite being overlooked. Sure, it could be argued that not all weapons reload (but rather overheat) but rifles definitely do have a reloading process.

Anyone who has played Battlefront 2 will have noticed that there is a basic reload 1st-person animation, in which the gun is simply lowered down, out of the frame, a small reload sound is made, and then the rifle raised again back to the idle position.

That is the kind of thing I'm looking for - a basic animation which still acknowledges the presence of reloading. Now if someone could only use that same animation from Battlefront 2 and incorporate it into JO/JA, or at least tell me this is possible and agree it's a nice idea, that would be amazing!


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