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_decal: What, how, why?

Go to solution Solved by mrwonko,

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I'm working on a map for the Warzone mod.

As I understand it, this map was originally made by Pande for the JKGalaxies mod.

As it is right now, the map is in bad condition; missing brushes, textures, models, etc. But that's not what I'm asking about.


This map has what seems to be custom entities: "_decal". Pretty self-explanatory. But I didn't even know that you could do such a thing.

And I thought that you could already make decent decals with just regular brushes or patches.


For some background for anyone who doesn't know about the Warzone mod:

The game code is based off of Open JK, with some custom improvements.

Its graphics are based off of the rend2 mod, again with custom improvements.

Warzone Mod Topic


Here's a picture of what it looks like.








These aren't causing any problems, but I'd like to know what they're doing and why they're there.




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