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Creating new vehicles

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Hello there guys, after around 2 years of creating things in other games, and countless hours wasted in MMO rpg games, I decided to come back to JKA modding for a short bit. 


For starters I decided to implement a couple of vehicles (WEll.. actually all of the "All terain" seires). But it turns out, I do not quite remember as much as I thought I did, and even though I am sure I did everything correctly, the new vehicle is not found by the game.


I have Added new .veh file in the ext_data/vehicles and dummy .npc file in the ext_data/npcs but it looks like I am forgeting something there. Anywyas hope someone reminds me what else I should have done, since tbh I have no idea. I checked all the folder names for possible mistakes, and didn't find any.

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