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Problem with file Submission

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Hello there !


So, I want to submit Epic Challenge Mod II for hours. I get "500 Internal Error" and "SQL error from my serv". So, I started to think it comes from my connection...



Well, I ask a friend who lives a lot of cities after me, in the opposite of my country, and he accepted to submit it from his house. I get the "500 Internal Error" too. 

I'm so depressed, It takes me a year to achieve the mod. Any solution ? x) Is there anybody who gets the same error ?


It would be very nice to help me, and I thank everybody here.


Ok now the file has been submitted... great, BUT, by sending it every 5 minutes, somes bug were made.


Now I can't fix it because it cause "500 INTERNAL ERROR" in the "Edit This File" zone.


I think I'm going crazy !!!


Apparently it has been happening for more than a week, admins will have the word eventually

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


Thanks for answers, finally, after flooding the "Submit Files" button, the miracle happened !

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