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Verschneit (Idyllic Snowy Village)

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Doing a quick bugfix for Nightfall - expect to see 1.1 up shortly! If anyone has any bugs they need fixing, tell me now!


Current changelog:
- Fixed missing patch on underside of wall by the river grate.
- Optimised and fixed a broken botroute path.
- Replaced global door scripts, doors now open 2-way and should not show buggy areaportal behaviour.
- Fixed issue where calling an unreferenced sound in icarus caused unpatched SDK mods to crash.
- Minor VIS optimisations.
- Removed misplaced brushes in some interior sections
- Added clip to some interior walls to prevent getting stuck.
- Increased quality of some models (e.g. table plates)


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It'll be out in like...an hour lol. Having said that all the areaportalled doors are single swingers, and i just went back to doing it w/o parms. Mostly because I can then edit the scripts without having to recompile the map again :P yes, lazy. parms as you describe would work fine - but ive simply gone with the 2 trigger method, each calling a different script for door orientation.

I just adapted the scripts to ensure theres no potential overlap by extending the timers and ensuring doors arent getting blocked. I tried for a good 10minutes to get a bug and didnt manage it so I'm happy with it atm. If it does need looking at again because someone finds a way of breaking it that I cant figure out then I'll look at it again.


The big one really was to sort out the crash bug with unpatched SDK mods because that might be a problem for quite a few users.

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