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Master Agreton

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Hello everyone and to those it may concern. I'm the leader of one of the oldest JK dueling clan Master, if you remember us, or were a part of our clain, I'd love to get back in touch with everyone again.

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I remember Master and was part of the clan as a trialee under Cornugon before it disbanded in 2004. I have also heard of you and your efforts to bring back the clan a couple of years ago, but I'm not sure how that went. I tend to be very sceptical of revivals in general, given that they typically don't include any of the original members and tend to fall short in terms of what the past iterations have achieved skill-wise.

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I remember dueling with Corn a little bit, I remember Masta and several others as well. I'm not really trying for a revival per se this time, as I think I'm the only actual original member still left. I'm just trying to catch back up with some people, Scar, Incognito, I doubt I'd ever catch Darkstar or Soulkeeper or Ninja or OldLady. Unless they ever released a new dueling platform for us, I don't really see a point hahaha. ^_^ I've considered it for SWTOR because I do play that, but they don't seem willing to let people use the word Master for a guild name and I'm not going to change it hehe.

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Yeah, DS mentioned that some of you guys were playing lots of SWTOR, but that it wasn't quite his thing and he was doing GW2 instead. That was when I last talked to him not too very long ago. Are you in touch with anyone else besides that? And are you playing much JKA at all and/or planning to?

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I jump on JKA at least once every other night or so, more so on weekends when I'm off work, but that's subject to change. I haven't talked to Darkstar in a long time, the last person I was in touch with was Scar, and I've lost touch with him. I use to have several people on Xfire, but I don't remember my sign in anymore haha.

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