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Issues when using Texture Overhaul


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So wanting to improve my JKA experience as of late, I downloaded the Texture Overhaul. Whenever it's in my base folder and I attempt to load a map, I get this error:


The zone is using 133097974 bytes (126.93MB) in 32521 memory blocks
The zone peaked at 208354747 bytes (198.70MB)
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
(Repeat): Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc 268435456 bytes (TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE) !!!!!
Judging by it, it looks like it's using too much RAM than the one permitted. I also tried to load base maps, and it worked well.. when it came to loading them, although when they loaded up, they had broken textures or rather 'unloaded' textures (where the textures just appear white). I also tried loading it with OpenJK, and it's just stuck eternally at loading .bsp.
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I have about 3-4 installs of JKA, all dragged from a USB stick. My main JKA, which is the one I play, works fine since I didn't install this in there. I just tested installing it on a version of JKA that's essentially a copy + paste directly of my main JKA, just using an older JA++ and OpenJK and it worked fine, to an extent. It loaded the map and worked well up until I got ingame, where there were broken (again, more likely 'unloaded') textures all around. And when I went on a different map, it instantly displayed the Malloc error. I guess it just might not be working well on my OS.

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No, works fine with an empty base folder apart from OpenJK + Texture Overhaul. The 'white texture' issues seem to have been caused by the JKA install I was using. I tested with another, and there were no problems. Maybe it's a case of me having too much pk3s that cause it to have a Z_Malloc error? To note, even with a full base, it works fine when loading base maps, but when I switch to a custom map it just bugs out. Could be caused by having HD textures mix with the already HD textures of the custom maps causing it to process with more power than JKA actually has.

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