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Fall of the Empire

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Well, LucasArts operated in absolute schlock, and it died with its allies and employees remembering it that way. Reading this made me quite emotional. All I can hope for is that Disney emerges as our new hope, bringing with it many quality Star Wars productions in gaming, television, and film.


Try to enjoy reading this story. ;/



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Well, LucasArts operated in absolute schlock, and it died with its allies and employees remembering it that way. Reading this made me quite emotional. All I can hope for is that Disney emerges as our new hope, bringing with it many quality Star Wars productions in gaming, television, and film.


Try to enjoy reading this story. ;/




Thanks for posting that link, a very interesting read.


It really does help to explain how those bizarre things went on at Lucasarts all those years. It never failed to puzzle me how they could take a full decade to produce a sequel to Battlefront when the feedback from the fans was so overwhelmingly in favour. I mean for gods sakes, people released detailed analysis videos of every last second of 'leaked' footage when DICE announced it was making the new Battlefront. Or even how nearly 15 years after the engine for outcast and academy was created, its still pretty much the best of its type in existence (Star Wars specific anyways).


Is it just me, or is it also not puzzling how Jedi Knight 3 was never made? Literally all that was needed to be done is to create another slightly improved version of the JKA engine, slap on any old single player campaign, ship it, profit.

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@@BruceJohnJenner Jedi Knight 4*
I literally can't fathom how this could have been screwed up so immeasurably. I mean, seriously... Counter-Strike started off as an HL mod, and look where it's went.
Darth Nuke raged about KotOR II on Obsidian forums for ten threads until Chris Avellone, the LEAD DEV, came out and addressed him with something of a passive insult.
Chris Avellone: "So if you want to argue LucasArts aesthetics vs. the old LucasArts aesthetics, go ahead. Call them about K1. Call them about K2. Do not hesitate. Tell them of the horrible, bloody crimes being committed in their backyard, which they have seen, yet somehow must be mistaken in their decisions. Tell them what fools they are for making that decision and how Star Wars historical accuracy has been dragged through the dirt. Tell them how it has crippled their reputation in your eyes for centuries, and how it has left a wound in the Force - a wound that echoes still. I think that only then will they see that what they have done is wrong... and that the balance in the Force must be rectified."
What an ironic perception of the future, wouldn't you agree? Even if it was sarcastic.


Darth Nuke: "Yeah, ok whatever, and no duh it's continuity. Still the Beast is the battle droid, and the Virago is the Stealth version. So if you need the battle droid next time, you'll no which one to use. I'm sure the Mandalorians won't want to go against the Sith in Stealth models. See I'm trying to help you Chris. But again you avoid my question. Why is it that you basically stole the Virago, and called it a Basilisk, instead of having the beast redesigned to look more modern and less stupid? Not a hard question to answer, unless of course you can't answer it. Don't forget to answer how HK-47 can fight a dead man and lose? This is a continuity thread Chris, and I would like you to answer the other continuity problems. EDIT: "Uh... huh? All right, it's a poor fighter - where did that come from?" Please don't challenge me on the power between a Basilisk and a Virago. All a Basilisk has to do is charge up it's regenerating rods, fire, and bye bye Virago. Such a beam can punch a hole in Capital Ships."


After reflecting on that reply, it kinda tells us who the vocal SW fans are. So maybe we kinda are responsible for this BS, but then again the decision-making power was never in our hands.


Colrom: "Just a few general comments after skimming this thread. 1. This is Darth Nuke vs the Rest Of The World. 2. Darth Nuke is nearly matching the Rest Of The World in post frequency. 3. But not in post value. 4. I read what Chris said and skimmed the rest and it all made sense to me."


Or maybe we aren't.

Or maybe we are.

We still weren't the ones who hired aliens/psychopaths as managers.

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KOTOR II was by far both an admiration and a disappointment. It has a very good story with nice ideas and phylosophical approach. But if we look into game design and Star Wars relations, then K2 would receive a poor mark here.. =( 


i agree with the comment above, that it was strange to see in KOTOR 2 the traits of the films, for instance astromech units now sound like R2 and not like T3-M4. The Telosian shuttles look like direct predecessors of Imperial shuttles, the same applies to Sith battleship Ravager, and I can continue for quite a long time. =)


Even though most people couldn't believe that lucasarts were gone, and later the company was disbanded, it is not entirely true. Lucasarts is still alive, though it's under control (or on the contrary in charge of) other people regarding Star Wars. In some cases I felt, that Star Wars was so popular, that people rarely did think, that it was also important to keep in ming other things like better gameplay or controls. Not to mention graphics. There were really good and interesting games though, which I occasionally replay, and many are considered real classics (Monkey Island, Grim Fandango). 

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The best thing in that article: " Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and ‘Darth Insanius.’ There was a pregnant pause in the room after that. People waiting for George to say ‘just kidding,’ but it never comes, and he just moved on to another point.” 

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