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Mod Idea(Food for thought)

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Just to clarify, no I don't expect anyone to do this.  This is just a general idea and I'm curious how people would like this or if someone would even attempt something like this even with all the current mods out there for server hosting.  Kinda more in line with a suggestion then a request.


A mod LIKE japlus in it's additions, it adds fluff to mp but at the same time it doesn't go so crazy it bloats up the game.  This mod would basically be just server side(Like JAE) based and a lot more like a light version of japlus where as JA++ could be considered a step above JA+.  So it would be like this.  This mod, JA+, JA++.  The only real download for a mod like this would be whatever little custom fluff basically just the animations used in the mod and maybe a UI tweak or 2.  This mod would incorporate ideas from a few other mods into 1, basically.


Some of the mod ideas are as follows:



~1 ingame Admin level with the password system as well as above the players name(person logged in as admin) it shows up in yellow text to other people who put a cursor on them [Admin] and under that it just lays out there name in the standard way

           -Kick(Temp bans a person for a matter of minutes depending on what the time limit is a person inputs into the .cfg)

           -Sleep/Unsleep(If a person attempts to reconnect in the sleep state they are temp banned for a 24 hour period or when the server restarts)

           -Silence/UnSilence(If a person attempts to reconnect in the silence state they are temp banned for a 24 hour period or when the server restarts)




           -Disarm/Rearm(forced into melee fists and can't fight)



           -Map(Ammap basically)

           -Protect(Instead of a green bubble it basically ghosts, doesn't mean they can go through level clips, the person when they are inactive instead as well as alphas them invisible to the rest of the people currently ingame, this way you don't have tons of glowing bubbles all over the place)

           -Killvote(Who even votes these days?)


Point of admin is to enforce rules, people who cercumvent a rule usually are trouble makers anyway hence why a 24hr ban or server restart wouldn't make to much of a difference.  Main reason why 1 ingame admin level is because people still put to much emphasis on admin usage and it was never meant to be used as a reward system for people who play on your server or in your clan long enough to get godlike powers to do crazy things.  It was meant to give some kind of structure to the open ended nature of ffa mode and to allow a person a means to regulate aspects of that mode on there own servers however they seen fit.


~Timer for when protect mode kicks in(ghosts same way as admin protect) for players or if someone wants can disable and turn it off completely.

~NPC spawn commands are pointless and a waste of energy(DON'T PUT IT INTO THE MOD)

~Command on how long dead bodies stay on the ground before they vanish

~When force speed is used you can run on top of water surfaces(Need an idea of that look up and download oldschool mod via jk2files)

~Grip and flip kick standard npcs that a map allows you to spawn(Look up oldschool mod via jk2files)

~Means to block admin teles

~/ignore other players

~Increased chat text size(NOT a full scale recreation of the chat system to more MMO based ones, just allowed more chat characters aka longer sentences)

~Flip Kick like japlus(Can't full force without it and also a command to change the speed at which grip can be used)

~Grapple based on Clan Mod, uses a remote for the hook and when hooked on other players they can walk around wearing you like a backpack

~First Person Light Saber/Melee

~Emotes rivaling that of a JO mod upwards to animations setup for emotes that go into the 30/50 range(Including someone setting up some of the JO animations for JA such as think, crossarms, etc).  Outside of certain animations used for emotes, allow people to walk around in the animated state(Not having to use +button2 to do it)

~When using the typing/chat command it ties into the talking animation(so when someones typing the model uses the chat animation)

~Word Filter based on DS-Online(Plug the naughty words you hate or don't want into a document file and when in game a person says the word it just blankets the word in the document with * instead of just warning the player for cursing.  So when a person types a sentence it just filters the word itself to stars but the rest of the sentece is still typed and produced).

~Multiple private duels, full force duels, melee duels(Duel suicide incase you don't wanna actually duel)

~No slide on peoples heads

~Chat Protection

~Flashy weapon flip animation aka the amflip in japlus

~Melee based holster animation and puts them behind your back(like japlus)

~Saber damages for mp/jo etc like japlus(someones going to cry about saber damages no matter what mods made)

~As many bug fixes as the brain can handle

~Ledge grab/climb up

~Black Names

~When all colourful chat is input from the game itself into the console it types out into the standard yellow text(that means no more hard reading of the text put into the console, also black background and yellow text is easier on the eyes less you have a console mod that changes the background image)

~Specific spot in the player profile for clan tags(Like Clan Mod did.  Though it shows up in a category of it's own with the clan tag, when a cursor is on the player in game it still shows up with the clantag infront of a persons name)

~A command that removes the Kill/Death Ratio(the tab screen only shows character names, ping, and time connected.  This means for people who are score nuts and people wanting to be the top of the list will have to use one of those fanciful little kill/trackers if the command is used).

~Melee combat with japlusees flashy little additions for the alt and standard attack combination

~Ability to turn off katas

~Specific chat channels people can log into and type in

~Allow the mod to store and keep track of all the kill/death ratios via a command as well as a player to reset there kill/death ratio to 0/0 (people who are more into a competative gameplay and want the server to remember there scores when they leave and reconnect at a later time)

~Allow the /saber command so people can change sabersinstantly

~Allow a /forcechange command(for those who change there force powers between light/dark, different point placement of force pointes, etc, so people don't have to go into spec or /kill themselves to change to different force powers)

~Dmflags for(no fall damage is already in game anyway):


         -Water Breathing

         -Grapple disable

~Clan Tag lock(So people can't go around using a personal clans tags less they put in a 1 time password to utilize said tags)




Looking at this I'm sure lot of people might think or say it takes content or ideas from other mods and shoved them into a single package.  My response to that is, duuuuuh.


Consider all this the core mod itself.  From this core setup, the mod from there is open sourced which allows anyoneone to build off of and basically this knocks out lot of grunt work for people to build off of as well.  Since it's open source that also means people can add in things like more admin levels, etc for their own personal server.  Yes I'm also aware that some mods already have most of this stuff in them.



It's just a mod idea, no ones expected to make it

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