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A Few Things Not Working In SP


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This isn't working for me in SP:


- trigger_push doesn't work with the "multiple" flag applied

- NPC_Jedi doesn't spawn even if he's hooked to a trigger_once

- func_breakable doesn't work with the "no_explosion" flag applied



Can someone please verify these?


All of these work fine when running JKA base with my map. I thought it was something I did to DF2 Mod, but I've just tried it with a fresh copy of OpenJK with the same results.

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func_breakable's "no_explosion" & trigger_push's "multiple" are 256. The code for both look to say 2048. :\


I've decompiled kor1 and for their no_explosion, it's 2048. Seems as though anything located in the spot of "no_explosion" or "shy" has to be 2048 and not 256 that gtkradiant says.

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I'm mapping in single player mode. Like I said, it works fine in JKA base. :)


Seems like Raven added a "2048 or 256" for any spawnflag at the lowest left of the spawnflag choosing area as any entity with a spawnflag in this spot gives the same issue of the spawnflag and thus rendering the entity unavailable in the map. This would explain why it works in JKA base and not in OpenJK, which only uses 2048 in that spawnflag spot.

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I'm mapping in single player mode. Like I said, it works fine in JKA base. :)


Seems like Raven added a "2048 or 256" for any spawnflag at the lowest left of the spawnflag choosing area as any entity with a spawnflag in this spot gives the same issue of the spawnflag and thus rendering the entity unavailable in the map. This would explain why it works in JKA base and not in OpenJK, which only uses 2048 in that spawnflag spot.

But the code never changed in OpenJK.  And there is no reference to 256 in the original code release for trigger code or func_breakable code either.





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They would've had to rebuild their maps with different flags then. I'm not sure they would go through that much effort. From what I recall, there's no difference in flags between JK2 SP and JKA SP (I never had to alter any way back when I was hooking JASP to run JK2SP). It's probably a case of GTKRadiant having incorrect project settings. You can alter the ents that Radiant has, and their flags by modifying a specific file, can't recall the name of it.

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