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MP WTF moments

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Allrighty... I basically always play ForceMod 3 - CE vs bots and using Clonewars mod v6. And wanted to play some JA+ and JA++. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but the single saber seems overpowered in JA+ and JA++ now concidering dual and staff. I can't block almost ANY hit whatsoever, and single saber strikes are almost always fatal.  I was just playing through when Palpating made mincemeat of my dual saber character with his measely blue stance. I had 100 HP and 25 Shields, and he killed him with one blow with the blue stance?... So I quit both. And went on to play standard MP... I played and played, and can't possibly figure out how they penetrate my defences. I had absorb on (level 3), and Palpatine STILL managed to hold me in Force Grip chock hold. Now... that was one of the strangest things ever to happen. I was gonna make screenshot but wasn't quick enough pressing the button. I mean... wtf is going with ? LOL Anyone experienced these things?

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