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func_train instead of a rotating door?


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Well I'm trying to figure out how I can get a func_train to rotate a door/hatch in 90° but I can't seem to figure it out.

I should actually ask, is it even possible to do so? And if anyone knows could you help me out with this please :P


I already got the func_train to act like a sliding door since the sliding door in SOF2 is a bit bugged 


or if theres anything else I can use for mimicing the rotating door

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I don't know about the SOF2 entities, but the JKA path_corner (at least in SP mode) has a turn_train spawnflag (spawnflags 1) which I believe orients the train towards the next target, or towards the angle. Possible you could achieve something that way?


Otherwise, don't scripts work in SOF2? That would be the easiest and best solution.

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path_corner only says this:


Train path corners. 
Target: next path corner and other targets to fire 
"speed" speed to move to the next corner 
"wait" seconds to wait before behining move to next corner 
But it could be that the spawnflags isnt showing just like other ent's have that , like misc_model, theres no spawnflag button for lightmap and clipping.
But is there an example map somewhere I could see this in works? I could try to copy it and compile it for sof2, see if it works there too, if so I could give it a shot.
And unfortunatly , scripts do not work in MP, they do in SP though, could be a lot easier with that yeah :(
It was already a pain to get the sliding doors working with func_train to be triggered by a gametype_trigger as func_door can't be triggered here :/
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