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Binary Sunset (cover work in progress)

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Okay it's far from perfect and I'm certainly not trying to stick to the original, I'm still trying to work things out in my head as to how I'd actually like it to sound and which direction I wish to take.


I think I'll need to add a few more brass sections to it to give it a bit more volume but I'm just trying to work out which direction I want to take it first.  Maybe just make my own version, I was kinda thinking darker perhaps just after the Sith had taken over the galaxy I dunno.


As I said don't bash me too much I know it's far from perfect but I'm still working things out and making orchestral pieces can be very tricky lol.




Suggestions are welcome and, of course, feel free to give any ideas :winkthumb:



RAILBACK likes this
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It's good, but it needs a little more...well, need to hear the main tune a little more if you know what I mean xD.


This kinda, I could hear the tune, but I was also using high-def headphones so that may have helped me...It seems like there is a lot of echo or reverb? (Not a musician, don't know all the terms) and it kinda seems like the tune gets drowned out at times.

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I'm not a fan of the fake brass sounding instruments at the beginning, they're far to echo-ey fakish sounding, later end part was great though.  Now you just need a counter-harmony, alto and bass parts, and percussion.

JKG Developer

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Yes I realized that after but I've got these really bloody annoying construction workers next door, hammering and drilling, working from 7am-5pm and I can hardly hear what the hell I'm doing, they drive me insane :angry:


Really hard for me hear what I'm playing even when wearing headphones but I do agree the echo kinda makes it all fuse together and the timing is off a little...  I suppose I'll just have to work on it in the evening when the little buggers have pissed off, until such time I shall remain pissed off <_<

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