ent Posted June 18, 2014 Posted June 18, 2014 Hello everyone. New jaMME 1.5.3 is ready with a biiiig bunch of cool stuff: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1712-jamme/ Chagelog: - made shader animation with triangle waveform be interpolated smoothly- fixed allocating 2x more megabytes than needed- remade saving screenshots system- added impressive reward tracker- fixed a crash in NPC_ChoosePainAnimation when NPCs are knocked down (from openjk)- fixed a bug when the game tried to load audio files that have more than 4194304 samples (~2 MB default jamp mp3), now jaMME has it unlimited like in jamp- fixed endless loop in demo loading if it loaded background music in mp3 and it had variable rate- added an option to change style of demo recording notifier and fixed ratio of its text- added an option to remove mme demo after finishing watching it with "mme_demoRemove" (see cvars.txt)- fixed a bug when mme demo crashed because original one had some invalid old snapshots- added an option to precache client information such as models and skins with "mme_demoPrecache" (see cvars.txt) (thanks to Nerevar)- fixed ambient sound system not being able to set custom volume- fixed animmap not being smooth if game time is too big- made non-predicted clients have smoothly interpolated speed trail- fixed always sent sex male to server- fixed drawing ui in demo playback- fixed disruptor 2nd and next rays being drawn with wrong start origin- added hide feature to clientOverride command to not draw players if necessary- fixed frag message drawing place when client is non- predicted- non-predicted clients now have screen tints- made flag icons become semi-transparent when flag is dropped- fixed blinking crosshair if rocket is locking- changed fov control behavior and added saving camera flags (mainly for fov) to project- fixed weird camera movement after switching position interpolation type- added crosshair to demo editing modes which exists in q3mme- fixed missing/silent sounds in intermission- fixed animation that jittered on the first frame (thanks to teh)- fixed endlessly rotating camera in first person after rewarding demo after shooting with concussion- fixed and made falling vector/blackout work with non-predicted clients too- added dof scripting feature- fixed sound interruption if its volume too low- fixed background music speed for different "s_khz" values- fixed endless drawing holocron glowing shader- fixed incorrect female sounds detection if sound config is missing- added drawing movement keys fron ja++ with "cg_drawMovementKeys" (see cvars.txt) (thanks to Raz0r nd Loda)- fixed dark gray crosshair and player name in ongoig duel- fixed lagometer in demos- fixed holocron icons being behind hud- fixed holocron container size and holocron container origin offset- fixed cinematics never being paused or never change their speed- fixed disappearing sounds when timescale is modified in local server- fixed 2d screen tints being opaque- fixed displaying crosshair when non-predicted client dead- added support for surfaceSprites flatten type which was missing from SP (from openjk)- added pixel buffer object (PBO) for faster capture with "mme_pbo" (see cvars.txt) (thanks to teh) New cvars:- cg_trueSaber- cg_trueMelee- cg_drawMovementKeys- cg_drawMovementKeysPos- cg_drawMovementKeysScale- mme_demoRemove- mme_demoPrecache- s_mixSameTime- mme_pbo New commands:- dof- trueview- clientOverride <> hide <> Information about all commands and cvars is written in cmds.txt and cvars.txt that placed in mme folder. Probably the most interesting feature in this release is DOF animating system. Thit feature lets you make beautiful DOF effect in game. Look at some examples:https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgth8t4ack6vjwf/heh.mp4 [VIDEO]https://www.dropbox.com/s/9e8sgya109qnpd0/ohdof.000.mp4 [VIDEO]There is a new tutorial about this new DOF feature: http://jkhub.org/topic/4176-7-depth-of-field-tutorial/ Another cool feature is PBO - pixel bufer object by @{JAWA}teh_1337. This instruction makes capturing much more faster. Try it out with "mme_pbo 1". Now you can also precache some media before loading demo. It's needed to avoid little lags during demo playback when someone connects and loads new information. But those lags do no affect capturing so they are more for personal user's preference. Be carefurel, if you don't have enough RAM or you precached too much then it can cause either crash or drop to main menu.Use "mme_demoPrecache 1" to activate it. For those who care about disk space or those who made a thing similar to the Maverick's demo renderer there is a new feature - removing .mme demo after finishing demo playback. Use "mme_demoRemove 1" to enable the feature. I am sorry for not completing custom animation feature, lost interest for now. But I hope it will come back and I finish it finally. Btw the feature is in this release, just hidden. So you can even try it out, if you find. I saw some people already made cool videos with the mod. I am so glad, guys, thank you.Keep making good stuff! Some extra, made with joMME: I will release new joMME soon too. Kaiser, Omicron, Onysfx and 2 others like this
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