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Saber to gun conversion

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Over the last week, I've been giving myself a crash cource in modding by playing around with my JK3 install. It's my first time trying to mod a game and so far it's been a lot of fun; I've definitely spent more time tinkering with it than actually playing the game. However, I've run up against a brick wall. I've found a cool, wrist-mounted lightsaber glm model that I'm trying to convert into my new wrist-mounted blaster pistol. I'd like to get it so that it appears in first-person wirapped around my character's arm. From what I can tell, I need to somehow change the tags on it from *blade to *flash for it work as a gun; and then create a blaster_pistol_hand.3dm of my character holding for it to overwrite the default appearance, or am I way off base?


For reference,


The wrist-saber:



My current character is the Darth Revan from this mod:


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Ehmmm you make some errors.:

1: i hope is a blade metallic sword and not a lightsaber, if you convert into a gun you get only the hilt, the energy blade is not showed.

2: you need to put the tag_flash on the coordinate of 3d model that you want as the origin of shoots to fire.

3: you need to make an MD3 model using blender and mister wonko md3 exporter and follow the procedure of him tutorial. the md3 is for the first person gun view, the glm for the shooter model.

4: you need to use md3view for convert the md3 model and skinned into a working blaster glm pistol.

5: as i told a lightsaber converted into a weapon lost his energy blade. You want really to shoot blaster by the hilt? O.o

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Shooting out of the lightsaber "hilt" is exactly what I was trying to do. I'm playing with the tags to replace the lightsaber blade with where the blaster bolts come out of.


Ok. Progress report, with another issue.


I imported the w_saber.glm into Milkshape where I changed the *blade tag into a *flash tag. Had to move the tag triangle a little to get it to line up properly. I then generated a blaster_pistol.qc file with my tag in place, and exported the w_saber as blaster_pistol.md3. Using Md3Viewer, I exported blaster_pistol.md3 as blaster_pistol_w.glm. Loading blaster_pistol_w.glm in Modviewer, everything looks good. I can see the tag, it's sucessfully changed into *flash. The problem is after I put it in my base folder, nothing shows up when my character draws the blaster pistol. I made a copy of blaster_pistol.md3 and named it blaster_pistol_hand.md3. Is that where my issue is?

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try with another model path

on weapons.dat, change the path of the blaster pistol model on "worldmodel" voice.

also, i recomend to you to name as tag_flash and not as *flash into milkshape, the tag, that's because should be renamed automatically in *flash during the GLM conversion of md3view.

for the rest, should be work. :)

if weapons is not showeb, maybe is milkshape that is'nt good for make md3 readed by game,is better to use 3d max or blender. how is the skin? make som escreenshot of your problem. so we can understand more and help you better. :)

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