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Server files download very slow

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At the moment im using ja+ with autodownload so ppl can download map files and pk3 files of ja+

The prob is that ppl download at 9kpbs and my hosting company told me that Jk3 is limiting the dl speed


Anyway to work it around?

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


I would like to know if there's a way to modify this for JO also.

JO uses the same method as JA. JA+ uses fast HTTP downloads, which can also be added to JK2, but probably not by a QVM mod.

JO uses the same method as JA. JA+ uses fast HTTP downloads, which can also be added to JK2, but probably not by a QVM mod.


Yeah but I was asking about the way it works. 'Cause I already know that about HTTP downloads, but I dunno where to host files or how to enable each file in JA+.

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


How do I make it download files? Using Ja+


Sv_allowdownload is pretty slow

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


was browsing the documentation and found this:



//-------- High speed URL AutoDownload Redirect for needed Pk3 when connecting a server:------------------ 

this feature enable players to download with high speed the needed pk3 files (like maps, npc, vehicles, sabers...etc...) to be able to play on your server.
- jp_DlBaseURL ( URL default value ""  ex: value "http://www.japlus.net/japlus/" )
// jp_DlBaseURL is the equivalent to your gamedata folder.
// so if your server have a pk3 test.pk3 under the base folder and if you want people to be able download it, your Website must contain 
// this file at [jp_DlBaseURL]base/test.pk3  Exemple : http://www.japlus.net/japlus/base/test.pk3 .
// remember the server will only make player download the real needed files and not all files.
// PS : Player need the lastest JA+ Plugin 1.4 or above for this feature.
// to disable this feature, put a empty string "" as a value for this cvar.
// example of working redirect with a lot of maps already uploaded : seta jp_DlBaseURL "http://japlus.newboyzgaming.com/files/"
h643 likes this

I already read that before, I was asking here because I wanted to know the way it works.




jp_DlBaseURL "../.../*.pk3" // If I wanted ppl to download 3 files, would I have to put it 3 times dlbase url each time changing the pk3 filename, or do I just put the folder and automatically it'd download everything?

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


well from what I gather of it if you set it to say: jp_DlBaseURL "website.com/files" that it would search the folder of the files being used on the server and download automatically.


but I believe it would also work as the following:


jp_DlBaseURL "website.com/files/file1.pk3"

jp_DlBaseURL "website.com/files/file2.pk3"

jp_DlBaseURL "website.com/files/file3.pk3"

jp_DlBaseURL "website.com/files/file4.pk3"

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