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*WIP* - Bespin Arena -

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You should finish this off, its great to see JK2 still getting some love!



That is one of the odd things about Bespin in JK2... for all intents and purposes, Bespin architecture is white, the brownish colouration is from the sunset:






And yet we have come to know Bespin in the JK series for its... brown textures!

I always thought that it looks weird 8/

Maybe Kyle was in the diffrent part of the city and buildins were brown instead of white? Who knows . But i love Bespin part in Outcast . ^^ My favourite missions

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have done a little bit of work on both maps now.  Not enough to take screenshots of but I am working on them both a little bit at a time.  I also just heard about JK2MV recently with sounds kinda kool but didn't see any info about it on JKhub so maybe I need to put a little more work into the maps and get something posted here when I can.

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't completely forgotten about this map.  I am thinking I may at least make a map for the main area to be a playable map like a sort of Bespin_traps v2.  Small ffa or medium duel map until i feel like putting much effort into finishing what I started.  Work on The Temple of Mechanism is almost complete so getting some work done on this map could be a possibility in the near future.

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Well, everything is working well now for the Temple of Mechanism.  This map is turning out really cool and quite interesting.  Most of the map is there, most everything connected and ready to go but a couple areas have not quite been adjusted.


I've got a stable compile today and took a few screen shots.  I'm not going to comment on each pic, I was too long winded before but now there are some images to view.



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Well there ya have it.  Lots of tweaks left to do but looks promising to me.


Edit  (Before I posted, Pics looked much better, They are just a bit on the dark side.  It's supposed to be a dark map.....

Wow! I like the cave with lava! Great work :)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, Bespin Arena has undergone some surgery.  The map name is / may be changed.  Bespin arena was working toward the "epic" scale before I continued work on the temple of mechanism.  I used parts of it for the temple of mechanism and decided to do a little something different.



I kept the middle area from the WIP but deleted everything else and turned it into a medium to large Free For All / Thermal Golf map.  So basically, I wanted to finish work on the middle area plus I wanted to make a new golf map after the temple of Mechanism, so I decided to combine the two.  I've got half of the golf course roughly laid out which is playable currently with grenades enabled.  Lando will give you a "waaahoooo!" When a grenade goes off in the hole.


I made a golf map for the Temple of Mechanism.  I wanted to make one with a bit more tech just for fun so this map happened.










Hole #1 looking back to the entrance from the middle area.






I'm working on getting a beta map ready for the public, It will be a part of a new map pack some of us at JK2.info are working on..  There is a few other things to the map I cannot show screen shots of just yet due to spoilers or talk about some stuff currently.  It's turning out pretty neat so far.  Again, it's an early beta,  There are many things to do like some bug fixes and z-fighting here and there and stuff.  I did make something new yesterday that would be a neat prefab people can use.  I can't talk about it yet either but It's looking pretty good so far and is a close adaptation to the original.


So, Bespin arena, aka. Bespin_traps, aka, Vader's Golfinader has received some new life.  I will update when I have a beta for the public.  I'll try to accommodate you JA guys too :)  It's all bundled up and does not rely on JK2 or JK3 base textures, shaders, or efx.

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