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New version comes - 0.9.6

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Hey all. jaMME 0.9.6 is here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1712-jamme/

Good news. I tested the mod in Lugormod and Makermod demos and they both work fine. At least I did not notice issues. The mod also can work fine with other "only-server-side-mods" demos.



- changed demo converter for proper vehicles support (thanks to Ensiform); probably will be bugged with some old converted demos that contain vehicles, so delete all .mme files from mme/mmedemos to avoid this

- fixed overrided saber hilt which wasn't overrided if the saber is thrown

- fixed aspect ratio of some 2D images in hud: jetpack fuel bar, unlocking bar and its image (in Lugormod or siege game mode)

- fixed mov_captureCvars: it is now temporary, so each session you will have only cvar that you added in current session, and old capture cvars that was used only for prev demo won't be used in current one; delete "seta mov_captureCvars "<cvars>"" from mme/jampconfig.cfg to make it work (thanks to Ensiform)

- added new demo browser in menu which supports folders and remembers last played demo (thanks to Sil)

- fixed the flag which wasn't shown on player's back (thanks to Cydonis)

- fixed mov_fragsOnly which did not work at all (thanks to Cydonis)

- fixed frag message which containes overrided names


Test the mod in Lugormod and Makermod demos and tell me if they don't work fine.

May the Force be with you.

Omicron and Futuza like this

Thanks for the new release! My one suggestion still stands for the camera mode. Could you include a cvar to allow the player to turn player chat on or off while in camera mode? Thanks :).

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