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Server-side retexturing


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Recently, french clans are borning again and a little french community started growing slowly.

I'm an humble member of this small commnity. Our problem is as following:


We planned to retexture the mp/ffa3 map. We know there are a server-side issue not forcing everybody to download the retextured map, but we don't know at all how we could perform this trick.


Does someone with this knowledge could help us please?


Thanks in advance.

Best regards,



PS: Sorry if I posted my topic in the bad place, it looked to be the closest to me.

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Not force player to download custom things.

Just the server change the shader or display model. This way (lets not be original) you could create a jungle on mp/ffa3 without anybody needing to download a new map version of mp/ffa3. Like Lugormod and Makermod are doing.


Thanks a lot Raz0r, I'll try it as soon as I am home!

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