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Opportunity for fully legal Altair model

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I stumbled upon this model while looking for other models.




tf3dm is well known for harboring ported models, such as this one from DICE/EA game Battlefield 3:



However, this Altair model is not ripped from the game. I know this because when I (about 2 years ago or so?) was working on an Altair model for JKA I was looking at a ported model for reference. The texture map was all in one image, and the model was actually very low poly (although the game did tesselate it, as is common in games nowadays, for the cloth physics as well as general model smoothing). 


This model is a very, very well made remake and it has new textures and all that good jazz - best of all the author put it out there for whatever use people would like to put it to. 


I'm not myself interested in rigging and Lod'ing this, but if anyone is looking for a quick and easy project, there ya go. It will also need some edge and loop collapsing to make it a little more game friendly but it has great topology so that will be a 5 minute job to half the poly count.

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