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Could someone RGB 3 textures for me?

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As the title says, I would like 3 textures for my skin to have RGB, but I'm useless with shaders, and have been having trouble trying to do it, so could someone please do it for me? :)


The textures I would like to have rgb, are 'head.jpg', 'hands.jpg' and 'head_hood.png'


Here is the pk3:



Also, I noticed that ingame, the cloak and hood are see through on one side but not the other, I'm not sure if this can be fixed with a shader or not, but I would also like to have that fixed. Also, the head tentacles in game are black for hooded version of this skins, so could that also be fixed, as I'm wanting them to be not seen, hence the transparent patch on the head_hood texture. And lastly, and as an added bonus, could someone please add a shiny shader to the chest and back plate armour for the torso textures, as it could do with some shine, but it isn't necessary, but it would be great if you could!


I know this is quite a large request I have, but I really would appreciate it if someone could take it up for me :)

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I had sort of got it to work before, but it hadn't worked at all the for the head_hood texture, and I gave up out of frustration lol

And what has that guy been smoking in that video? o.o He starts making no sense in that video at all, and becomes hard to understand. And that video btw does not show you how to make an rgb texture, he's just showing you some mods he has.


Also, I don't mind at all if one person makes the rgb part of the shader, while others do the rest I asked for, as I could put all the shaders together into one, as I don't want to ask too much of one person, but by all means, you can if you want! :)

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I don't want to sound impatient, but could someone please take this up? It's the final things which are needed before my skin is complete, and I'm satisfied with it :)


EDIT: Doesn't matter too much, as I have started to use a different skin now anyway, but I may come back to this sometime in the future, hopefully  with more shader knowledge :) So could a staff member delete this thread pl0x? :)

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