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Icarus scripting help

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Hey guys,


Is there even a way to learn Icarus scripting (without reading the useless manual provided with the SDK) ?

I have been search for an hour on google to find a single tutorial. And I couldn't find ANYHTING.


Please help me.

Thanks in Advance!


 ** Maui **

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Hey there. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Maybe we can help you out, step by step.


We also have lots of tutorials, here on JKHub. Here are a few good ones:


http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/86-icarus-scripting/ (BORKED!)

http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/71-gingerbreadninjas-behaved-scripting-series/ (Good for beginning)


If you want to do cutscenes, tell me what you want to accomplish, and I'd be glad to help out. One of the most useful things to do when you want to learn scripting, is work your way through all the JA SP scripts that they provided in the SDK. Look at each and say "Ok, they wanted this thing to happen, how did they accomplish it?". After a while, you'll get a handle on it.

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Well my main idea was to use map modding together with Icarus scripting to accomplish many cool stuff. Like locking doors for people not using our tags and stuff you know what I mean? ^^

I would also like to learn map modding completely and Icarus Scripting the most ^^


PS: Thank you for your reply! :)


 ** Maui **

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