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Linker errors w/ JK2 engine code.

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Okay, so I'm using the visual studio 2012 and attempting to build the jk2 engine code just released a few days ago. I'm able to compile botlib, cgame, and game. However when I try to compile winded or jk2mp I get a ton of linker errors. Other than add a few casts to the code to shut the compiler up I haven't changed anything.






Copying the SetPlaneSignbits() function into the cm_load.cpp file fixes the first one, though seems really hacky...


Then for

1>be_ai_weight.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl Q_strncpyz(char *,char const *,int)" (?Q_strncpyz@@YAXPADPBDH@Z)

Q_strncpyz is declared in q_shared.h and defined in q_shared.c. q_shared.h is included in the very first line of be_ai_weight.cpp?


Any help would be appreciated.


Dependencies change based on Visual Studio version. I'd recommend trying to compile with VS2003, or compiling the OpenJK version.

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