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Hello everyone,


My name is Novus'Olm. I am an 8 year veteran of JKA and the Council Advisor and 6.5 year member of The Angels of Fire Jedi Order.


Led by GrandMaster IrishDragon, AoF has been around for 7 years as of November 12th, 2011. We are a semi-roleplay order that teaches our members based upon the philosophies of the New Jedi Order and the 7 Lightsaber Forms.


AoF and JAWA have been allies for I believe almost 5 or 6 years now, and SiLink sent me the URL for this website. Caelum is also a friend to the order and has told me about the project, but until recently I haven't heard much.


Anyway, below are some links to information regarding AoF. Wether you're looking for a clan, or a clan looking for an alliance, I hope you find them useful.


Feel free to contact me. My Xfire is darkyoda58, my MSN is xzorintsara@live.com



http://www.aof-clan.com/AoFWiki/index.php?title=Main_Page (AoF Wiki)

http://www.aof-clan.com/AoFWiki/index.php?title=Server_Information (Server List)

http://www.aof-clan.com/AoFWiki/index.php?title=Member_List (Current Roster)

http://www.aof-clan.com/AoFWiki/index.php?title=Novus%27Olm (My Info)

http://www.aof-clan.com/AoFWiki/index.php?title=Clan_Structure (Clan Structure)

http://s6.zetaboards.com/Angels_Of_Fire/site/ (Our Forums)





Jedi Master, Council Advisor, RCON, Forums/Wiki Admin, Roster Manager

Angels of Fire Jedi Order

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