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JKClient source code release

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I opened the source code of JKClient: https://github.com/entdark/JKClient
That source is a skeleton for JKChat mobile application (that source I am going to open later).
That client is a rewritten JA and JO engines code that doesn't require game assets yet still can let you to connect to game servers.

The client is written on C#. Why C# - you may ask? Since it's a special library that targets .NET Standard 2.1 then it can be compiled once and ran on many OSs.
That library can be ran on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and others. If I chose to make the assetsless client on C or C++ then every OS and every CPU architecture would require a separate compilation for every OS and architecture.

Where could it be useful?
At first, JKChat that I am currently developing: 

At second: you can create a Discord bot using this client to interact with players from your Discord server and game server by using: https://github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net
Feel free to use the client however you want.

I'd appreciate if you leave any feedback, give suggestions or create an issue on GitHub.


Bart, Raz0r, Smoo and 1 other like this
  • ent changed the title to JKClient source code release

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