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Blender UV - need a little bit of guidance on getting the result that I want

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I'm fairly new to Blender (and 3D modelling for that matter), so I'm not familiar with all of the proper terminology, so bear with me... So I traced the seams that I wanted, followed by unwrapping. The result is fine...but I'd rather modify a few things on the UV map(?)



The bottom two pieces are the same, just on different sides of the model. 


- Ultimately, I'd like to get the bottom pieces overlayed one another so that when I do the texture, I only have to do it once. How would I go about doing this?

- I believe I can figure out a way to translate some UV coordinates, but a problem is when I select the seamed area, it also selects the edge of the first(top) piece. How can I isolate one of the bottom selections to play around with translation?


Any help would be appreciated; thanks from a 1337 noob.

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Try using face select to get the piece you want to move?  I've just tried this with a cube, and using vertex select will select the verts on the other UV island, where face select won't.  As for mirroring the island, once you get it selected, try CTRL + M, then X to mirror it on the x axis.  Then it's a matter of lining the islands up correctly.  Alternatively, delete half of your mesh and use a mirror modifier.  Just keep in mind that everything is mirrored, then.

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