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Changing entity key value mid game

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I have siege map and there is one objective where you need to take lift to reach second floor. This lift can be activated by red team(team 1) only. But after completing this objective I want everyone to be able to activate this lift. Lift button has key "team" "1" as default. Lift is scripted and it is not easy "just remove one trigger and replace it with another". I tried to objective trigger target scriptrunner, but it doesn't work:

"t304" is my lift button targetname

affect ( "t304", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
	set ( "team", "0" );

Pls help.

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I have siege map and there is one objective where you need to take lift to reach second floor. This lift can be activated by red team(team 1) only. But after completing this objective I want everyone to be able to activate this lift. Lift button has key "team" "1" as default. Lift is scripted and it is not easy "just remove one trigger and replace it with another". I tried to objective trigger target scriptrunner, but it doesn't work:


"t304" is my lift button targetname

affect ( "t304", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
	set ( "team", "0" );

Pls help.

You can always make the method like this :


1. Crate two triggers - one will be for Team 1 only , second trigger - for every player

2. Set the second trigger to be inactive - we will turn it on later. 

3. Later (i dont know how you made objective) the entity that is activating things when objective is completed - target it to the target_active and target_Deactive.

4. set target in target_active to the second trigger - the one for all players and set target in the target_Deactive to turn off the first trigger. 

5. Many times i dont use scripts because they make thing complicated. Try entities - they should give you result that you want

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