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Map isn't supported by current gametype

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Hello all,


I have started my own server and installed JA+ Mod on it for some friends and I to RP on. I was able to get Griffenclaws Jedi Temple map to work on it, however when I try to switch maps it's nearly impossible.


I have tried calling the vote and that is what gives me the error.

/ammap does not work at all, it just does nothing.

/rcon map also does nothing it says that the maps are not found.


The maps are in my server base directory 100% just the way Griffenclaws is and is working.


Is anyone able to shed some light on this situation? 


You may have to modify the .arena file in the PK3 to allow more gametypes. I would have expected ammap <g_gametype> <mapname> to work though.

If rcon map <mapname> says it can't find it, then that's not the name of the BSP file. Make sure you have the right BSP name. Try dir maps bsp


You may have to modify the .arena file in the PK3 to allow more gametypes.

I wouldn't do that. It will change the PK3 in such way that clients will re-download the file from the server (filesize mismatch). Better is to create a new .arena file and store that file in a z<filename>.pk3. Doesn't matter if there is already a 'z', you just have two 'zz' . . .



I am trying to use the Jedi's Home JL II Map if that helps diagnose the issue any. I know it's a pretty popular one, as well as kotor_flight_school and Sith Academy V2 (I think it's V2)


Wow I am an idiot and didn't put the files in the base of the server apparently I just stuck them in the folder base is in. My bad guys it's been awhile. hahah Thanks for the help though.

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