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BobaFett's Ultra Utility v3 Beta 16

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About This File

This program is basically obsolete by today's standards, but it provides a few unique features not found in modern clients like entity positioning which is essential for clever entity mods. The original website this was available on is now down. This upload is to help preserve a key part of JKA's history while also providing the tool to use even 20+ years later. Note: this is not compatible with OpenJK natively. It runs on jamp.exe.

Boba Fett's Ultra Utility is a utility with many tools and features designed to enhance the gaming experience and providing new abilities. Note: Ultra Utility, since it runs alongside Jedi Academy, needs a decent system to run properly. So trying to run it on older pc's or laptops may result in performance issues.

One of the primary components of Ultra Utility is its kill tracker. This system allows you to keep track of your kills, deaths and much more. There are, of course, other kill trackers around, but none are as advanced as Ultra Utility's KT, as it keeps track of the players that killed you (or that you killed) with their 'KT profile', it tracks weapons used to kill/die, bots and humans are tracked separately, long names are supported, all languages are supported (the kill tracker is fully language independent, as it does not use console messages for the tracking), and even CTF stats are tracked. And of course you can set your own kill messages.
Now, not everyone likes kill trackers. Therefore the kill tracker is just a component of Ultra Utility and can therefore be turned off at will. For the people that like special duel music, you can set a special song that should play once you enter a duel.

Next there is a media player, powered by FMOD, supporting many file formats (see features). This way you can listen to your favorite music while chopping up people with your lightsaber. To make things more interesting, Ultra Utility provides an equalizer, several sound effects and the ability to change the playback speed to make the music sound better or just for the fun of it (chipmunks ^_^). The media player supports multiple playlists so you can easily group your music and switch playlists on the fly in-game.

Ultra Utility uses the classical 'KT' command system, meaning it uses commands prefixed with ! (exclamation mark). Unlike normal KT's, Ultra Utility does not only support commands typed in chat, but also commands typed in the console! Likewise, you can also bind UU commands or put them in scripts (.cfg), as they act like real JA commands.

The command responses can be set to appear in the console, in private chat (sent to you) or public chat (not recommended unless you're sure the server admins don't mind) A thorough list of commands can be found in the manual, or you can use !help for command information in-game.

One of Ultra Utility's special features, which is one of the things that makes it unique: The in-game menu.
This is a menu system that uses the console to display itself (by overriding it). In this menu you got access to predefined messages (so you don't have to waste keys), broadcast messages (ampsay messages, currently only JA+ is supported), emotes, rendering options (the things that do not appear in the options screen ^_^, including a few 'cheat-protected' settings), server info, player info (with homing system), media player info, download manager (to download specific files from the server, if the server allows downloads), a palette editor so you can change the RGBA combinations of the color code (this is client-side only though), player data monitor (so you can see your information such as health/armor, rewards (leftover from JK2, but they work!), inventory, weapons, force powers, position.. etc), and the JA-GPS (live position and movement information about yourself).
Starting the menu is done by pressing a hotkey (ctrl-numpad / by default). The menu itself is controlled using keys, every entry has a key linked to it, just press the key to perform a certain action (open a menu, display a message, change a setting, etc). Closing it can be done by pressing the X key (back) in the main menu or by pressing the hotkey again. When the menu is closed, Ultra Utility will recover the console fully.

Next in line is the Favorite server list. This feature allows you to keep track of your favorite servers, see who's playing, check the server settings and join it on the fly at any time. Further more it allows you to use rcon on any server in your list (of course, as long as you have the rcon password). Ultra Utility's rcon feature is the one of the only ones with support for 'multi-word passwords'. Ultra Utility's game launcher lets you specify which mod to load on startup, and which server to connect to (if any), so you can be on any server you like with any mod pre-loaded on the fly!

Then there is a nice feature for people who run clans: the clan manager. Now don't be fooled by the name, it is simply a place where you can store information about your clan, such as the server and website, ranks, members, clan wars (TFFA's), and more. You can optionally export the clan manager info and share it with clan members (who also have Ultra Utility).

Ultra Utility also contains a minimizer (with resolution changing support!) which can be activated either by command (!mini) or by a hotkey.

Ultra Utility allows you to set hotkeys for certain tasks, such as the in-game menu and minimizer (as said above), but also for media operations (play/pause, stop, next, previous). This way you don't have to spam the !next and !prev commands to switch songs, but simply press the hotkey instead.

Furthermore you can make Ultra Utility remember stuff for you by setting reminders (it basically works like a note block), so you don't need to have pen and paper around if you need to write something down. You can also set 'allies', which will be greeted when they enter the server you're in, and will get alternative kill messages (if specified).

For the people that modify maps (either using BSP editing techniques, or lugormod/makermod), Ultra Utility provides many commands to make things easier. Ultra Utility can show entity information (and a lot of it), list entities in the current snapshot (as well as the amount), search for entities using a certain model, effect or sound, or give info of the entity you're aiming at. Furthermore Ultra Utility can be very helpful if you're trying to place brush entities, as it can calculate the origin you need to specify to move a certain bmodel (*xx) to its target location (with rotation optionally)

Ultra Utility allows you to change your chat messages, either by changing their color, or by applying a style to them (a prefix and suffix). So you can type in your preferred color (non-green) or add some fancy things to your chat messages. (Note: this only works for public chat messages and only if they're typed using the chatbox itself, /say commands are not styled)

Ultra Utility also provides a terminal so you can easily change the settings, check out your media info and view your KT stats on the fly using a UI plug-in (requires a pk3 which can be downloaded from the website)

And last but not least (in this summary) is the skinning system. If you like to give Ultra Utility a personal touch, you can change the looks of the main window using the skin creator, or download skins created by others.

This and more awaits you in Ultra Utility v3 (Beta 16)

Changes and features in Beta 16:

  • Highly advanced kill tracker
    • Long name support
    • Support for every language, including mods (Language independent)
    • Does not rely on the console for its information, and can therefore not be faked
    • Weapon statistics are tracked
    • Kill stats for humans and bots are tracked separately
    • Suicides are tracked
    • Team kills and team deaths are tracked
    • Vehicle kills are tracked
    • Duels are tracked
    • Support for non-standard duel ends (duel separation, a player joins spec/disconnects, etc.)
    • CTF stats are tracked
    • Customizable kill messages, with support for ordinal numbers (xxth)
    • 3 Message modes: Off, Private chat and Public chat
    • Player stats are tracked and can easily be viewed, sorted, etc
    • Can be turned on and off at will
  • Advanced media player
    • Formats supported: WAV, MP2, MP3, OGG, WMA, AAC, ASF, AIFF, MOD, S3M, XM, IT and MIDI
    • Supports the import of M3U, PLS and WLP playlists
    • 10-band equalizer with 18 presets
    • Support for multiple playlists
    • Add directories, with subdirectories included if you want (uses high-speed file scanner)
    • CD-player
    • Internet radio support
    • Zero-Latency Sound Effects: Pitch Shifter, Low pass, High pass, Reverb, Distortion, Echo, Flange and Chorus
    • Ability to change playback rate/frequency
    • Analysis (Oscillators, spectral analysis, volume meters and voice print)
  • In-game menu system
    • Complete menu system featuring the following menus:
      • Messages
      • Broadcast messages (JA+ only at the moment)
      • Emotes (Base/JA+ only at the moment)
      • Team chat selector (JA+ only)
      • Profile selector
      • Rendering options - including:
        • Basic cg_ and r_ settings
        • Void color, white walls, global light, etc
        • Wireframe and normals (fully functional) – available unless the server denies the usage of them (see below)
        • Ability to unlock camera commands (cg_thirdpersonxxxx commands)
        • Ability to unlock weather control (r_we)
        • And more..
      • Server Information
      • Player Information (+ homing system)
        • When using the homing system, the targeted player is highlighted to make him/her easier to see
      • Media player (+ overlay mode)
      • Palette editor
      • Download manager
      • Player data monitor
      • JA GPS
      • And custom menus which you can create yourself
    • Displayed and operated in the console
    • Operated by the A-Z keys
    • Fully restores the old console state when closed
    • Can be activated using a hotkey or a command
    • Can be turned on and off at will
  • Advanced command system
    • All commands use the classic ! (exclamation mark) prefix
    • Commands are fully registered in-game and can be used in the console, binds, scripts, etc.
    • Commands can be typed in chat (like classic kill trackers)
    • Commands work properly when using chatstyles (see below)
    • Response messages use a color scheme of 4 colors (which can be modified at will)
    • Command responses have 3 message modes: Console, Private chat and Public chat
    • Immune against faked commands (copying someone’s name and typing a command)
  • Favorite server list
    • Get server info easily (settings, players, allowed force-powers/weapons, etc)
    • Send RCON commands easily (password is remembered per server )
    • RCON supports ‘multi-word’ passes
    • Allows you to join a server on the fly with the right mod pre-loaded
    • Allows you to give server ‘nicknames’ so you can address them in-game using commands (to query or join)
    • You can add servers to the list in-game using commands (either the current server or with a specified IP)
  • Clan manager
    • Write down information about your clan, the website, the server, etc
    • Keep track of members, clan wars (TFFA’s), new promotions, new recruits and more
    • Export the clan manager data and share it with other Ultra Utility users in your clan
    • Protect the clan manager data against editing by setting a password (if you want to share it for example)
  • Duel Music
    • Play your favorite tune while you’re dueling
    • Can be to only play if you were already listening to music (in case you simply don’t want to hear music for the time being)
    • Can be enabled and disabled in duel without mess-ups
  • Allies
    • Create a list of allies (friends)
    • Set up a welcoming message for your allies/friends
    • Set up custom kill/death messages for allies/friends
  • Reminders
    • Useful to store a message you want to remember, think of it as a notepad
  • Console monitor
    • Console content display (fully colored)
    • Ability to send commands to the console
    • Lets you chat while your game is minimized With optional (UU): prefix so people know you’re minimized
    • Ability to log the console to a file
  • Minimizer
    • Lets you minimize Jedi Academy any time you like
    • If the desktop resolution differs from your game resolution, the minimize will automatically correct it (unless you tell it not to)
  • Jedi Academy Launcher
    • Launch Jedi Academy on the fly
    • Preload any mod you like
    • Connect to any server instantly
    • Add your own custom command-line options
    • If you get to the launcher though the favorite server list, the mod and server IP will automatically be set properly
  • Hotkeys
    • Set up hotkeys for:
      • In-game menu on/off
      • Ultra Utility on/off
      • Media commands (play/pause, stop, next song and previous song)
      • Minimizer
      • Terminal
  • Playtime tracker
    • Keep track of the amount of time you’ve been playing Jedi Academy (with Ultra Utility running)
    • Comes with 2 counters, a global and a session counter, so you can track your playtime during a certain period without losing the overall count
  • Chat coloring and chat styles
    • Chat coloring lets you chat in any color you wish (from ^0 to ^7)
    • Chat styles let you add prefixes and suffixes to your chat messages
    • Chat colors and chat styles are only applied on public chat that is spoken though the chat box (Y key by default), not messages said though the console or team/private chat (to prevent issues)
  • Entity information commands
    • Designed for map modders (BSP editing, lugormod and makermod users alike) and anyone else who’s interested in entities
    • List all entities (of a certain type)(within a certain range)
    • Get extended information about a specific entity
    • Locate entities by model, effect or sound
    • Get a full listing of bmodels and their bounds and midpoints
    • Handy bmodel origin calculation commands (just specify the bmodel and the position you want to move it to (and optionally the angle), and Ultra Utility will calculate the origin to specify)
    • Get a listing of all shader remaps currently applied
    • Ability to invoke a trace (check what you’re aiming at) and get trace results (with surface info) and optionally entity info
  • Terminal
    • UI Add-on (requires you to install a pk3 in order to be able to use it)
    • Lets you change Ultra Utility settings on the fly
    • Get a live view of media info
    • Get a listing of all your KT stats (human and bot stats)
    • Open the in-game menu with a single click
  • HUD Add-ons
    • Lets you display information on-screen
    • Media Add-on:
      • Displays the current song, index, playlist, position, playback speed, equalizer settings, etc on screen
    • Kill Tracker Add-on:
      • Displays live KT stats on screen (both human and bot stats)
      • If you aim at a player, his KT profile will be shown (how many times you kill him/her, got killed by him/her, etc.)
    • Entities Add-on:
      • See the amount of entities in the current snapshot real-time
      • Get information of the entity you’re aiming at (if any)
      • Get the aiming point coordinates and surface normals real-time
  • Game integration system
    • Stealth console communication system
      • Messages sent to the console do not appear in the prompt (as it does with other similar programs)
      • No message sent will appear in the command history
    • Chat styling controller
      • Allows the chat coloring and styling (see below) to work without having to send keystrokes to the game
    • Snapshot processor
      • Enables Ultra Utility to get full snapshot and entity information, display entity information and it’s used as the information source for the kill tracker
    • Com_PrintF hook
      • Enables Ultra Utility to get the contents of the console with full color coding, allowing it to display full color coding in the console monitor and recover the console (after using the in-game menu) properly
    • Text overlay system
      • Allows Ultra Utility to display text on screen (currently only used by the HUD Add-ons system
    • Command registration system
      • See ‘Advanced command system’ above
  • Silent mode
    • While this mode is in effect, no messages are shown in public chat (native Ultra Utility messages that is). This also counts for the advertisement line, so if you wish to disable it, enable silent mode.
  • Navigation system / Tracking device
    • Allows you to easily find certain locations using Ultra Utility’s guidance system
    • Can be used to guide you to specified coordinates or to track the location of certain players
  • Restriction system
    • Allows servers to block certain functions which can be abused
    • Works with 3 cvars set server-side (using the sets command)
    • Allows servers to restrict the following:
      • Hide the origin of certain specified models (origin gets shown as ???)
      • Hide the presence of ‘hidden’ players (no entity info available, and the homing device cannot target them)
      • Disable the use of Ultra Utility’s tracking systems (navigation system and homing device)
      • Disallow ‘wall-hax’-like rendering options (wireframe and normals)
      • Force Ultra Utility to use silent mode (even if the user has it disabled)
  • SP Shield replacement
    • Lets you replace the MP shield (green shield bubble) by the SP variant (comparable to force absorb, graphically)
    • Only applies to protection bubbles, not damage
  • JA+ crash fix
    • Ultra Utility automatically patches a "bug" in Jedi Academy that often causes JA+ to crash shortly after joining a server (or after a map change)
  • Get weather forecasts in-game
  • Skinning system
    • Lets you create your own skins for Ultra Utility’s main interface Skins are to be created with the skin creator (included)
    • Skins can change the background image of the skin, the colors of the interface components and the hit zone locations: the drag bar (to drag the window around), minimize button and close button
    • Skins can be password protected to prevent them from being edited in the skin creator (these passes have no effect on Ultra Utility itself)
    • Ultra Utility contains a skin manager with a list of all installed skins (skins must be placed in the /skins directory) with live preview


This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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