About This File
Update 1/29 @ 1:53 pm EST: Cleaned up the description a bit. Realized I had forgotten some changes.
Code repository: https://github.com/DustysPatch/OpenJK
A Single player code mod for Jedi Academy. The mod requires OpenJK to run, and comes packaged with a build using the latest code. Feel free to try older builds but I can't guarantee it will work. The mod is also not compatible with old save games (just use cheats to remake your game). You shouldn't need to, but if the mod won't run properly, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable.
Also included:
Animations - https://jkhub.org/files/file/2106-dustys-patch-animations/ (can be removed with no issues)
Other mods not included:
Single Player NPCs - https://jkhub.org/files/file/2237-dustys-patch-single-player-npcs/
SP Menu and Upgrade - https://jkhub.org/files/file/2249-dustys-patch-sp-menu-and-ui-upgrade/
Took me a while to do this. Got caught on some nasty bugs and I also got too carried away trying to do too many things. Anyway, try it out for me. See if there's any glaring bugs. Hopefully not.
latest changes:
- g_playerCheatPowers should work with saber off now
- g_debugmelee at -1 prevents player from using any advanced melee abilities
- g_moonJump cvar added
- grenadier Gran AI should be better (smoother switching between melee and thermals)
- multi-weapon support for NPCs (see below for more detail)
- changes to CLASS_BOBA, CLASS_COMMANDO, and a new class CLASS_MANDA has been added (see below)
- weapons.dat lets you modify WP_Melee properties (see included weaponshelp.txt)
bug fixes:
- hopefully no random error messages when loading games
- no issues with JK2 models
- frame rates should be better
- saber deflect aiming is fixed
- the playermodel npc health/armor bug may be fixed and toggleable via g_handicap_matchNPCHealth (can't remember)
- rocket launcher primary fire now does correct damage
Full Changelog
New Cvars/Commands/Cheats
g_autoRoll - default=1, if 0 hold Use to roll
g_char_forcePowerMax - default=100, controls total player FP, requires level restart
g_char_forceRegen - default=100ms, controls player FP regen rate, requires level restart
g_char_parryBonus - default=0, applied to player without needing a custom saber, requires level restart
g_char_breakParryBonus - default=0, applied to player without needing a custom saber, requires level restart\
g_saberDamageScale - scales saber damage, and is saved with your savegame, stacks with g_saberMoreRealistic.
g_saberDeflectAutoAim - if 0, blaster deflections must be aimed with crosshair and become easier to aim with better Saber Defense
g_saberForceDrains - if 1 special moves drain the amount of FP of the cvar below, katas not affected
g_saberForceDrainAmount - if above cvar is 1, special moves drain this amount of FP, katas not affected
g_saberLockSuperBreaks - if 0 no super breaks (1-hit KOs) ever happen after saber locks
g_saberMoreRealistic - no longer write-protected
g_weaponVelocity, g_weaponAltVelocity - multiply the speed of most player and NPC weapon projectiles
handicap - goes up to 200 now
handicap_maxArmor - controls the maximum charge your shield can get from a power station (not how many points the power station has to give you, but how high your shield can get FROM USING a power station; does it stop filling at 100? 150? etc.)
Cheat Codes
- g_debugMelee
If 1, player gets full cheat melee abilities
If 0, player gets limited melee abilities based on Saber Offense level (see Melee changes below)
If -1, player is locked to standard melee punching
- g_playerCheatPowers: (should work with an inactive lightsaber, however the lightsaber may need to be equipped, can't remember)
If 1, player can auto-push explosives, always dodges sniper shots, has increased jumping ability and resistance to force powers.
If 2, all previous effects plus FP usage is cut in half.
If 3, unlimited fp and take no fall damage
Set when before you load your game to get all effects. "iknowkungfu" now toggles g_playerCheatPowers to 1
- g_moonJump:
flip this on to do some crazy jumping.
- iknowkungfu
now this also flips g_playerCheatPowers on
Gameplay mechanics
Force powers (activated with g_forceNewPowers 1)
- Force Jump: height for all levels increased by 25%
- Force Pull: level 1 pulls weapons only, level 2 can knockdown, level 3 can pull toward you a little bit
- ***Force Sense: gives limited snipershot dodging ability (you might need to hold down Use)
- Force Speed: decreases FP cost of sniper shot dodging at Level 3 (for auto-dodging anyway)
- **Force Protect 1/2/3: gives only 10/20/40% damage reduction against saber attacks instead of 25/50/75%
- Force Heal: costs slightly fewer force points at Level 3
NPC Jedi changes:
- smarter use of new JA abilities; only use Force Rage if close and have >25% HP, only kick/use saber katas if close (except CLASS_REBORN, they like show off if far away)
- Less exploitable; tries hard to dodge if drops saber throw, recovers from knockdown and activates saber faster after being gripped/drained (effects increase w/game difficulty and NPC rank). Player team Jedi with a non-darkside class don't attack surrendered/unarmed enemies
- Level of acrobatics determined by their move stat; 3 allows rolls and lean dodges, 4 allows cartwheels and flipping out of knockdown, this way you can restrict an NPC to be less acrobatic and more "technical"
Force-only Cultists: react properly to explosives, sniper shots, and saber throws; *sometimes use quick punches if close, and in general try harder to dodge saber attacks/throws
CLASS_BOBA, CLASS_MANDA, and CLASS_COMMANDO: (these have NOT been thoroughly tested...)
- only an NPC with "undying 1" or the name boba_fett is invincible now
- CLASS_MANDA acts like CLASS_BOBA but without a jetpack
- CLASS_COMMANDO acts like CLASS_BOBA but without a jetpack or flamethrower
Multi-weapon system:
- NPCs should now change to the next best weapon they have when you disarm them
- the boba-based classes support most player weapons now, and weapons are chosen randomly (can have more than 1 similar type of weapon)
Other changes:
- Grenadier Grans will use Melee sometimes even if the player is using a saber (silly thought because the idle saber stuns them)
- **NPCs surrender more like JK2 (more consistent animation, once they decide to surrender near player they stay surrendered, but when you leave they will get sneaky)
- Allied NPCs receive 150%/125%/100% HP for Padawan/Jedi/Jedi Knight difficulties now instead of 100%/125%/150% like enemies
- Assassin Droids now fire even with their shields up
- Class_Rodian with E11, and Class_Imperial at commander rank use alt-fire now always (like in JK2)
- fixed a bug: Stormtroopers using Flechette and Repeater can now switch back to alt-fire if they switched to primary fire because the player was too close
Saber System (activated with g_saberNewCombat 1)
- Saber Offense gives a slash a base attack strength (AS), which is further modified by the strength of your saber style
- Saber Defense gives a base defense strength (DS) of your blocks and a number of defense points (DP)
Saber Offense level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
AS | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Saber Style | Fast | Medium | Strong | Tavion | Desann | Staff | Duals | Special Attacks
AS Modifier | -2 | 0 | +2 | -1 | +1 (+2 if Desann) | +1 | -1 | +2
Saber Defense level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
DS | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
DP | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
How saber combat then works:
- AS > DS = attack blocked but lose DP equivalent to AS - DS
- all DP lost = guard crushed
- DPs regenerate about 1 per second if walking/standing still
- special attacks ignore DP: either crush guard or are blocked partially
Other Changes:
- player's defense with Medium and Strong styles is improved (you can deflect slashes and blaster fire more rapidly, but still not as quickly as NPCs)
- Saber Defense 0 no longer makes you invincible to blaster fire, but blaster fire will pass through your saber
- a custom saber with "autoblocking 0" now has narrow block arc for the player (otherwise blocking is ridiculously easy); holding Use and standing still will allow you to block in this fashion at any time
- Desann style is as strong as Red if you are CLASS_DESANN, otherwise it does not cause knockdown as often as Red, and is slightly
- slash chaining altered:
can only chain 2 slashes if running, staff and duals cannot chain infinitely (5 slash maximum now), chain counts are also not
random (Medium can always chain 5 slashes while walking for example)
Melee changes
- Player can kick with any saber type, use +forcefocus to saberthrow (bind this to a key, such as MOUSE3)
- Player's melee abilities determined by Saber Offense (1 = punches and kicks, 2 = katas, 3 = spin kicks)
- if you're not cheating (using g_debugMelee or iknowkungfu)... Player melee katas have less range, must be aimed more precisely, and do not work on certain types of enemies
- Spin/Flip kicks do slightly more damage
- Spin Kicks are possible on demand with Use+AltAttack, however costs 10 FP (the auto version doesn't cost any)
- **To kick over a Jedi, must have Saber Offense >= their Saber Defense
- Player punches do 7/5 damage instead of 6/3, and aren't randomized
- **Force Speed punching should be more consistent and less cheap (never did actually test)
- **Heavy/Slow Melee is specifically associated with Chewbacca, CLASS_GRAN, and CLASS_TRANDOSHAN. Other NPC types will punch
more quickly but weakly if given WP_MELEE
Other Minor Features
- visual effect for lightsaber-blocking Force Lightning, .efx file to use determined by "cg_lightningBlockEffect"
- rolls and acrobatics are possible in 1st Person now
New Modding Features
- some new fields you can put in NPC files...
dualPistols 1 -- gives an NPC dual pistols if have WP_BLASTER_PISTOL
cortosis 1 -- cuts damage in half from lightsabers, stacks on top of any other damage reductions
blastArmor 1 -- cuts damage in half from explosives and heavy weapons, stacks on top of any other damage reductions
magPlating 1 -- cuts damage in half from blasters, stacks on top of any other damage reductions
restrictJediPowers 1 -- restricts an NPC from using force powers they don't actually have (force pushing without Push 1 for example)
altFire 1 -- this actually works now
dontFlee 1 -- forces SCF_DONT_FLEE (an icarus script thing)
dontFire 1 -- forces SCF_DONT_FIRE (like how melee cultists don't punch)
rareFire 1 -- same AI as SCF_DONT_FIRE but allows punching sometimes with melee
heavyMelee 1 -- forces heavy melee regardless of class
- new fields are in the weapons.dat:
1.) velocity, altVelocity: use an integer number (no decimals)
2.) npcDmgMult, npcAltDmgMult, npcFireTimeMult, npcAltFireTimeMult: these are multipliers that use a decimal (like 0.7, 1.5, 2.3 etc.)
*read the weaponshelp.txt for overview default values for these things are
** not completely tested but should work
*** incomplete/unfinished/not working completely
This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.
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