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EasyGen 1.42

   (1 review)

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About This File

With EasyGen you build up terrains and export them as Radiant source map (including alphamap and metahsaders).


Bitmap import/export is also supported.


Supported games

  • Quake3
  • Return To Castle Wolfenstein
  • Generally all games based on Quake3 engine (Including Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy), who need a source map(.map), an alphamap(.pcx) and a metashader script(.shader) to compile a terrain entity. (if you want to to learn more about this process read the Official Terrain Manual written by Paul Jaquays contained in the latest GTK installations)


Make sure to extract all files contained in the zip in the same folder.


After you've extracted the zip, EasyGen folder should looks something like this:


EasyGen\modifiers\*.* - modifiers

EasyGen\templates\*.* - various files (*.shader, *.cfg)

EasyGen\save\ - saved terrains (*.egn)

EasyGen\tutorial\*.* - tutorial stuff (old but sufficient)

EasyGen\EasyGen.exe - executable

EasyGen\btnexgenipl32.dll - a dll

EasyGen\readme.txt - this readme.txt


EasyGen will not run if 'btnexgenipl32.dll' is not in the same folder.


Also EasyGen needs to know your work mod folder under <your_game> root folder (ie baseq3\, missionpack\, main\ etc etc), you will be prompted to browse for that asa you start EasyGen. I repeat for the last time, you need to browse for a MOD folder, not for the <your_game> root folder.



  • Terrain shape manipulation through several modifiers (Hill,Cone etc etc).
  • Program your own modifiers with an easy asm like language. Read 'custom_modifier.txt' to learn more.
  • Direct export source map plus alphamap and metashader script.
  • Alphamap import/export.
  • Bitmap import/export.
  • Models (md3) are loaded automatically from <your_game>/<your_mod>/models/ directory.
  • Import brushes from a map file. Brushes are only used as space references to aid positiong the terrain entity. Bruhses manipulation is not supported by EasyGen and BRUSHES are NOT exported toghether with the terrain. Only the TERRAIN ENTITY itself is exported and the models you have inserted.
  • Terrain import from a map file (and related alphamap and metashader). This should work in the most of the cases.
  • To exclude triangles from export: - select MODIFIER TAB. - click the pink triangle button on the toolbar (the one with the red cross) - SHIFT+LEFTCLK on a triangle
  • Upgrading shader templates (templates/*.*) is useful if the author of the compiler (ydnar) makes come modifications to the compiler itself (q3map2.exe). Replacing old templates with the new ones will ensure that EasyGen will export shaders hat will work with the new version of the compiler.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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