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Zyk OpenJK Mod 1.0

   (5 reviews)

6 Screenshots

About This File

There is a new version of the mod available here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2306-zyk-openjk-mod/


This is a RPG mod, with level system, credits, quests, admin commands, and more.


You can see more info about the mod and installation instructions in the README.txt file.


You can see info about the console commands and features in the Documentation.txt file.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 1.0


  • Version 1.0: first release

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Angel Soul


@Zyk - I have a problem with the quests: - when I go to yavin1b map... there is some unknown object (seen as red,green,blue thingy) right next to my character. I think this was the artifact? My character says he senses something, and the Rosh attacks and the game crashes completely. What can this be?

ALso... I gotta tell you...
THIS IS THE BEST MOD IN THE EXISTENCE!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a huge fan of ForceMod 3... but this surpasses everything!! I LOOOOOVE the RPG system, I love the functions, what you can do with it... and soooo much more!
I have suggestions I wish to give you about enhancing this further (all force powers have a level 4 power, and something more), but first... please help me get the quest running properly. :D :D :D

The score of this mode: 1000000000000000 of 10 possible!

Thomas, Andy and Zyk like this


Hi Angel Soul. Thank you!

As for the bug, that is a bit strange :P ... I tried to reproduce it but it did not happen... for me and for the people who come to my server the bug does not happen.

Is it the server or your client game that crashes? If it is the client game, could be some mod or something else which causes the crash. I tested with a clean base folder (only the 4 original assets) and it did not happen.

If it is the server who crashes, did you use the jampDed exe? If so, try using the openjkded one, which is the recommended one.

Try playing the other quests too. If you want, you can come to my server, Zyk Mod Server, and we can talk about the issues that you encounter so far. :)

Also, I want to hear your suggestions to improve the mod! :D

Angel Soul and Andy like this


Very nice, realy like this. 10/10 for me

Zyk and Andy like this
Angel Soul


Hi Angel Soul. Thank you!

As for the bug, that is a bit strange :P ... I tried to reproduce it but it did not happen... for me and for the people who come to my server the bug does not happen.

Is it the server or your client game that crashes? If it is the client game, could be some mod or something else which causes the crash. I tested with a clean base folder (only the 4 original assets) and it did not happen.

If it is the server who crashes, did you use the jampDed exe? If so, try using the openjkded one, which is the recommended one.

Try playing the other quests too. If you want, you can come to my server, Zyk Mod Server, and we can talk about the issues that you encounter so far. :)

Also, I want to hear your suggestions to improve the mod! :D

Yep! Is a strange thing! I play client side/Solo game :D As soon as I enter the game I press "map yavin1b" in the console ^_^

jampDed exe? It just brings up a console to me. I'm not in game. Or do I enter jamp AFTER I press jampDed exe? :D


Anyhow... so what happens is this:

I enter the game. Type in "login myusername mypassword" and then I Join the game. I am followed by this:





Now... if I turn to it, my character will say something, upon which Rosh starts attacking it. And then the game crashes.

BUT, if I step away from it... I can play all the way up to where you find Tavion and her Reborns... (later Luke, Kyle and the gang),

without any crash.


Then, however, I see those three sages on top of Luke's academy. In center of this academy on ground is a blue portal of sorts

that tells me to prepare to prove myself to the Water Guardian. A moment later, the game crashes.


I am using most graphical mods, and the only "other" mods I am using are Clone Wars Mod v6.


I'd love to join the Zyk Server. :D So when do I join, and how do I do it? :) Nothing appears on my list.

(Sorry, I'm a bit noobish about these things looooool)



As for the extra ideas for mod enhancement... I will be writing a minor list about it, and send it to you.

And then you can take a look at it. ^_^ How's that sound?



EDIT: Allright, so I set up a dedicated server... and joined it. Now there was no red,green,blue thingy... and game didn't crash when Rosh shot.

However, if I killed a storm trooper, the server crashed, and I got "Connection Interrupted" in my game. Now, when I went to talk to the Sages,

I met a Water Guardian. When I (presumably) defeated him, the server crashed again and I got a "Connection Interrupted".




Zyk and Andy like this


Hi Angel Soul.

That is also a strange thing too, the stormies and the guardian crashing the server.

Yes, the mod was intended to be used with the OpenJK dedicated server, and not jampDed, so if you used jampDed, change it (which could be the cause of the crashes).

If you did not use jampDed ... then I am like ... :s! :P

You said nothing appeared on your server list, well, today it looks like the raven master server was not working,

so if you try now it will work and the Zyk Mod Server will be there. :)

Oh, also send me the list of suggestions too!

Andy and Angel Soul like this
Angel Soul


Hi Angel Soul.

That is also a strange thing too, the stormies and the guardian crashing the server.

Yes, the mod was intended to be used with the OpenJK dedicated server, and not jampDed, so if you used jampDed, change it (which could be the cause of the crashes).

If you did not use jampDed ... then I am like ... :s! :P

You said nothing appeared on your server list, well, today it looks like the raven master server was not working,

so if you try now it will work and the Zyk Mod Server will be there. :)

Oh, also send me the list of suggestions too!

Yessir! Will do that! Sending in the listy by tomorrow or day after! ^_^ But most likely tomorrow!

For now, I'll go try find your server. ^_^ And yes, I was using OpenJK. I'll go search for your server right now ^_^

Andy and Zyk like this
Angel Soul


Oki just checked. There are a LOT of servers out there @Zyk, but I haven't seen "Zyk Mod Server" anywhere. :/

EDIT: Also, I've removed ALL mod files in "base" folder, except zyk npc. Still get same problem. :/ Crashes upon killing an NPC.

EDIT 2: I'VE SOLVED IT @Zyk :) Here was my problem. I forgot to let the openjkDed.x86.exe run as Administrator, while all my other JKA related programs were. :D :D looool
May add this to your "Troubleshooting" section. :) You know, just in case someone gets confused about it.

It runs rather fine now. Only problem I've encountered so far is when hunting for the Artifact in Nar Shaada. I keep getting "Unexpected EOF" messages. Sometimes it can mess up real bad and the game crashes. (Once the bridge explodes where Lannik Racto put a bomb... and then when you fight the "Guardian" who in fact is just a low level Lannik Ractor and dies with one shot. You hear cutscenes playing.)  I find no artifact, but I did beat the guardian of Intelligence.
Where do I find the artifact there?

Zyk and Andy like this


Nice! Yes, I must add a Troubleshooting section in my mod xD!!! :P

Thank you so much! :)

As for the guardian of intelligence map, there is no artifact in this map, only the guardian and a hidden note (Dark Quest). :)

The Lannik Racto that dies in one shot is not the guardian...he tricked you! :P

He is another Lannik that is behind the chair near the table. He uses Cloaking as his power. :)

Oh and thank you for finding this issue, I will try to fix it for a next version sometime.

Oh, and when you see the guardian of intelligence message (in the glowing area near the elevator), dont

enter the elevator, thats a workaround for now, so cutscenes wont play and server will not crash. :)

Andy likes this


Zyk's Mod is a mod that  u cant imagine. He Changed To A Jka Multiplayer Game To Ultimate Jka Rpg Mutliplayer Game


Have Fun!! Guys!! Enjoy!!


My Vote = 100/100 to this Mod

Angel Soul and Zyk like this


That Howler is out to get you huh? So, can you play this mod by yourself without anyone else? Like, can I just make my own server and do quests by myself or naah? Of course that's not as fun as with people but...

Zyk and Andy like this


Yes. You can create your server with it, and you can play alone or with other people too. :)

Angel Soul and Andy like this
Angel Soul


Zyk's Mod is a mod that  u cant imagine. He Changed To A Jka Multiplayer Game To Ultimate Jka Rpg Mutliplayer Game


Have Fun!! Guys!! Enjoy!!


My Vote = 100/100 to this Mod

Hell yeah! I agree! :D :D

Zyk and Andy like this


That Howler is out to get you huh? So, can you play this mod by yourself without anyone else? Like, can I just make my own server and do quests by myself or naah? Of course that's not as fun as with people but...


Yes. You can create your server with it, and you can play alone or with other people too. :)


You play with friends u just liek playing anakin skywalker with his troopers.

doing mission with allies :D is very fun

but dont forgot the important thing get healer on ally group xD 

Zyk likes this
Clan FJA


Good mod !!


there is a problem which cause crashes with server ( @Angel Soul ) :

The "Program Files (x86)" folder is write-protected with windows 7 and 8.

JKA needs to modify files (jampconfig.cfg and others) in this folder (Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/...) so you need to run the game with administrator rights.


OpenJK adapts JKA to Windows 7and 8 OS and put modified files into "My Games/OpenJK/..." so you don't need to run the game with administrator autorisations.


However, with OpenJK,  Zyk mod writes files into "Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/accounts" and "Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/configs".

It creates crashs when a logged player kills npc and the game try to update his XP in his account file : Windows forbids this and the server crashs.


The crash does not occur if the server run with administrator authorisation.

Zyk and Angel Soul like this
Angel Soul


Good mod !!


there is a problem which cause crashes with server ( @Angel Soul ) :

The "Program Files (x86)" folder is write-protected with windows 7 and 8.

JKA needs to modify files (jampconfig.cfg and others) in this folder (Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/...) so you need to run the game with administrator rights.


OpenJK adapts JKA to Windows 7and 8 OS and put modified files into "My Games/OpenJK/..." so you don't need to run the game with administrator autorisations.


However, with OpenJK,  Zyk mod writes files into "Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/accounts" and "Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/configs".

It creates crashs when a logged player kills npc and the game try to update his XP in his account file : Windows forbids this and the server crashs.


The crash does not occur if the server run with administrator authorisation.

Yep! I found that one out and wrote it up earlier. :D But your explanation is waaay more detailed than mine. Haha :D Thank you! Now I learned something new too! ^_^

Best wishes to you dude!

Zyk likes this


Good mod !!


there is a problem which cause crashes with server ( @Angel Soul ) :

The "Program Files (x86)" folder is write-protected with windows 7 and 8.

JKA needs to modify files (jampconfig.cfg and others) in this folder (Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/...) so you need to run the game with administrator rights.


OpenJK adapts JKA to Windows 7and 8 OS and put modified files into "My Games/OpenJK/..." so you don't need to run the game with administrator autorisations.


However, with OpenJK,  Zyk mod writes files into "Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/accounts" and "Program Files (x86)/LucasArt/Jedi Academy/Gamedata/configs".

It creates crashs when a logged player kills npc and the game try to update his XP in his account file : Windows forbids this and the server crashs.


The crash does not occur if the server run with administrator authorisation.


Thanks man. I must add this info in the mod documentation. Next version of the mod will have it. :)

Also, the crash bug that Angel reported me about Guardian of Wind (after you defeat him, server crashes) is fixed in new version too. :)

Thomas likes this
Clan FJA


Maybe we should create a server and a community ?

It is a fantastic mod but the community is no more very big now.

Thomas and Zyk like this


well done Zyk! I still remember those times years ago when the mod wasnt really as good, but yea you managed to make it something awesome thanks to ur fans ;) (asd, me, etc)

by the way i'll run server sometimes under IP - you're welcome ppl ;)

if u need to contact me:

Steam: Dark Slayer

Skype: Tomas352000


Zyk likes this

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