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- 3litism 3legance 3xcellence
- 40 seconds 2 die
- 7Lives
- A-gaming
- AXiom
- Abandoned City
- Absolute-gaming
- Activision
- AfiNity
- Afinity
- Airfrag
- Airkill
- Alora
- Alzoc III
- Amban
- Ammap
- Angels of Fire
- Aoshi
- Arena
- Art of War
- Art of War Central
- Artus Prime
- Assault Sentry
- AsuTech
- Axis
- BDC Racing Club
- BHK-Vagant
- Bacon
- Bacta Canister
- Bakura
- Baldarek
- Ban
- Ban (Command)
- Bar
- Base
- BaseJKA
- Base Folder
- Base jka
- Base maps
- Basejka
- Battleground Jedi 2.0
- Bespin
- Bespin Air Vanes
- Bespin Cop
- Bespin Courtyard
- Bespin Exhaust Shafts
- Bespin Streets
- Big Bacta
- Bind
- Bioxar
- Bladeworks Network
- Blaster Pistol
- Blaster Rifle
- Blaster pistol
- Blenjeel
- Blue
- Blue Fang Solutions
- Blue Stance
- Blue Style
- BobaFett
- Boba Fett
- Bonus maps
- Bot
- Bound
- Bowcaster
- Butterfly
- Byss
- C-3PO
- Captain Bronnep's Journeys
- Capture Crime Lord
- Capture The Flag
- Capture The Ysalamiri
- Capture the Flag
- Capturelimit
- Carbon Chamber
- Ceremonial Hall
- Cg drawfps
- Cg drawtimer
- Chandrila
- Cheat
- Cheats
- Chewbacca
- Chiss
- Circa
- Clan
- ClanMod
- Clan Tags
- Client-side
- Cloud City
- Cloud City Mission - Vader Story
- Colosseum
- Command
- Communication Force
- Competitive
- Competitive Play
- Competitive Player Encyclopedia
- Competitive player
- Conquest of Byss
- Console
- Control
- Corellia
- Corona
- Coruscant
- Coruscant (Duel)
- Coruscant Streets
- Courthouse
- Covert Operation
- Crash On Tatooine
- Create a Page
- CronTEX
- Cube
- Cult Investigation
- Cult Investigation (Corellia)
- Cult Investigation (Dosuun)
- Cult Investigation (Taanab)
- Cult Sighting
- Cult of Ragnos
- Cup
- Cups
- Custom map
- Custom maps
- Custom saber
- Custom sabers
- Cutscene
- Cutscenes
- Cvar
- DDoS
- DF
- DF2
- DJE Recruiting
- DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
- DM
- Dark-Side
- Dark Empire of the Sith
- Dark Forces
- Dark Forces II
- Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
- Dark Jedi Empire
- Dark Pastime
- Dark Side Tools
- Dark side
- Dark side of the Force
- Darkside
- Dash Rendar Resurgence
- Dawn of Darkness
- Death Match
- Death Star (FFA)
- Death of the Republic
- Deception
- Demo
- Desann
- Desann Style
- Desann style
- Desert Rescue
- Despair
- Devmap
- Dfa
- Disciples of Ragnos
- Dismantle Device
- Disruptor
- Dosuun
- Double-bladed lightsaber
- Droid Recovery
- Dual
- Dual Sabers
- Dual lightsabers
- Dual sabers
- Duel
- Duel Mode
- Dureal
- E-Sport-Energy
- E-sport
- EForce
- ESL 1on1 Saber Ladder
- ESe
- Effect
- Effects
- Electronic Sports League
- Electronic sports league
- Emergency Assistance
- Empire
- Empire Reborn
- Ensium
- Enter the Dark Lord
- Entity
- Epic Challenge Mod
- Epic Challenge Mod II
- Escape: Yavin IV Lost Maps
- Escaped Turkey
- Ese
- Exec
- Exiled Knights
- Exploit
- Factory
- False clients
- Fast Style
- FileFront
- Filefront
- Filesystem
- Force
- Force Boon
- Force Drain
- Force Enlightenment
- Force Gauge
- Force Grip
- Force Heal
- Force Jump
- Force Lightning
- Force Power
- Force Powers
- Force Theft Investigation
- Force gauge
- Force heal
- Force power
- Force powers
- Frag limit
- Fraglimit
- Free For All
- Free for All
- Free for all
- GTKRadiant
- G gametype
- G subtitles
- GalacticPirates
- Galactic Empire
- Galak
- Galak Fyyar
- GameFront
- Game type
- Gamefront
- Gametype
- Garbage Facility
- Garrison 27-D
- Gas Mine
- Generator Room
- GoD
- Gran
- GtkRadiant
- Gunslinger's Academy
- HP
- Hacker
- Hackers
- Hangar Bay 72
- Harry Potter Mod
- Haste
- Health
- Hells Army Clan
- Helpusobi
- History of Multigaming Clans in competitive Jedi Academy
- Hit Points
- Holocron
- Holocron FFA
- Hosting
- Hoth
- Hoth (mission)
- Hoth Attack
- Hoth Canyon
- Hoth Wasteland
- Icarus
- Id Tech 3
- Imperial
- Imperial Control Room
- Imperial Drop Zone
- Imperial Labs: Raven
- Imperial Officer
- Imperial Remnant
- Imperial Shaft
- Imperial Shuttle Bay
- Imperial Worker
- JA
- JA+
- JA++
- JA Coders
- JAplus
- JK2
- 15
- JK2Files
- JK3
- JK3Files
- JKFiles
- JKHub
- JKHub Hosting
- JKHub Network
- JKHub Tutorials
- JO
- JaPlus mod
- Jaden
- Jaden Korr
- Jam's KT
- Jan Ors
- Japlus
- Jawa
- Jedi's Home JL II
- JediVsSith
- Jedi Academy
- Jedi Academy's Story
- Jedi Academy Aurochs
- Jedi Academy Files
- Jedi Betrayal
- Jedi Forever
- Jedi Home JL II
- Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast
- Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
- Jedi Knight Galaxies