Binding is the act of associating a key with an action. When the player presses the key, the corresponding action occurs.
Binding Syntax
Binding uses the following syntax:
bind [key] [action] |
Default Bindings
These bindings are from single player:
- bind 1 "weapon 1"
- bind 2 "weapon 2"
- bind 3 "weapon 3"
- bind 4 "weapon 4"
- bind 5 "weapon 5"
- bind 6 "weapon 6"
- bind 7 "weapon 7"
- bind 8 "weapon 8"
- bind 9 "weapon 13"
- bind 0 "weapon 9"
- bind - "weapon 10"
- bind = "weapon 0"
- bind \ weapongrabbed
- bind [ weapprev
- bind ] weapnext
- bind mwheelup weapprev
- bind mwheeldown weapnext
- bind CTRL +attack
- bind ALT +altattack
- bind SHIFT +speed
- bind v +strafe
- bind PGUP +lookup
- bind PGDN +lookdown
- bind END centerview
- bind c +movedown
- bind SPACE +moveup
- bind ENTER +use
- bind r +use
- bind UPARROW +forward
- bind DOWNARROW +back
- bind LEFTARROW +left
- bind RIGHTARROW +right
- bind w +forward
- bind a +moveleft
- bind s +back
- bind d +moveright
- bind , +moveleft
- bind . +moveright
- bind F1 force_throw
- bind F2 force_pull
- bind F3 force_speed
- bind F4 force_sight
- bind f +useforce
- bind e forcenext
- bind q forceprev
- bind TAB datapad
- bind m datapad
- bind p "cg_thirdperson !"
- bind l saberAttackCycle
- bind F9 "load quick"
- bind F10 "uimenu ingameloadmenu"
- bind F11 "uimenu ingamesavemenu"
- bind F12 "save quick"
- bind / +mlook
- bind MOUSE1 +attack
- bind MOUSE2 +altattack
- bind MOUSE3 saberAttackCycle
- bind ~ "toggleconsole"
- bind ` "toggleconsole"