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[Begging Request] Custom Sith Model

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Hello everybody & sorry for my bad english! I seek everywere...i even try to do it myself with some models i found here,(by just reskinning them) but at some point i realaized that i will never reach the desired result on my own. And here i am, asking for you to make it. Sombody saw the сutom sith model? Not that one by Spanki. I mean real sith...hoods, cloaks, armors, robes and all that stuff. I saw many models, even unrelated with SW, but never saw a model like that im talking about and it's a shame. it can be usefull in many ways. I even can't understand how that can happend. So, here is my idea: make a model which will include several outfits and races.

Offering outfits:

- Acolyte - simple dark coloured robe without any armor, hood, or cloak

- Apprentice - black robe with hood and without any armor or cloak (an perfect example on immage 1)


- Adept - it should be something practical and comfortable. maybe black uniform,something like Luke's outfit in "Return of the Jedi" and black cloak with hood.

- Sentinel/Warrior/Destroyer - something with many elements of heavy armor hood and cloak

- Shadow/Inqusitor/Assasin - outfit like on pic1, but with minimal armor on chest and shoulders, hood and cloak

- Dignitarys/Consulars - something elegant,brightly red coloured and figured with sith simbolics

Offering races:




Twi'leks (hood propably should be allways down with head of that size :) )



All male and female.


I know, thats what im asking for it's not an easy task at all. Maybe its a greatest challange of all requests here, but i have a hope that someone will do it. Thank you for your attention, and may the Force will surve you well :)

JAWSFreelao, Omicron, Bek and 1 other like this

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