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Everything posted by Akimoto

  1. Anyone know a good free open source webmail software?

    1. Syko


      Pretty sure Thunderbird is open-source.

    2. Akimoto


      *free open source webmail server software

    3. Akimoto
  2. I am looking for a new username. Let the search begin! (Suggestions are welcome)

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. ChalklYne


      looks just like the old one

    3. Akimoto


      I do not intend to use it here :P

    4. Jango40
  3. It's been over 4 year since the last time I performed any tricking. I guess it's start to relearn old forbidden moves and get up there!!! *REIATSU N SHIT*

  4. Finally managed to deadlift 210 kg. The summer is slowly approaching so I am going to need a diet to reduce calorie intake. I know, very advanced stuff...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Akimoto


      I've trained a little over a year now. When I begun I could barely lift anything, I think 100-110kg was my max at deadlift, and maybe 40kg on benchpress... x.x

    3. Akimoto


      January is a bad month to start; better to start march or later, when most of the people that started January have quit, leaving the gym empty hehe


    4. katanamaru


      Oh I've been lifting regularly for years now. I did heavy in the past but hurt my shoulders. They're pretty good now so I started the heavy lifts again. Max deadlift is 315 lbs now, bench is 275, leg press is 720, and squat is 315. My goal is a 300 lb bench by end of March.

  5. Modding for Starbound is fun like apple pie and bacon.

  6. /me is wondering why the hell people subscribe to my lowclass youtube channel, lol !!

  7. Strike Suit Zero available in the humble bundle X: https://www.humblebundle.com Get it while you can!
  8. Akimoto

    New Background

    We can barely see any background at all. Having a picture or screenshot as a background is not really useful for a site with a theme looking like this. At most you can see a little more on the right and some skies on the top (currently). That's just how I feel about it
  9. (#3) [Let's Play!] Rust - That was a nasty surprise, %$#& !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ki4zDOYens It literally took me forever to edit this(4-6 hours!!). I really need to find a way to record my friends' voices, mine and the game sound on different channels. :x
  10. Mission 9: Break in [video=youtube;wYGXjghMKU8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYGXjghMKU8 Getting closer and closer to the end of the SSZ series... Huge improvement between the #1 and #9! (in both audio, commenting and video quality) Still have much more to learn though!!
  11. (#2) [Let's Play!] Rust - You do not talk about Fight Club! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vUz6OqkcSI Got myself a group; the first video is all about finding the damn base and getting familiar with the crew. Trash talk is included More action will come in the next videos!!! ( including finding hackers... @@ )
  12. Strike Suit Zero Mission 8! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMg2lPD558w
  13. #5 and 5/5 on a creative server. (The server disappeared). Next video will probably be survival on the hardest difficulty! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wy3E_4qLKg (new video, fixed a voice bug!!)
  14. My first log http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvQAqnpIXuQ
  15. HERMAGERD #4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJU-tPx4iPQ
  16. Akimoto

    New Staff Member

    Excellent! Welcome back!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3peY8cz0Lqs Next part coming tomorrow!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5ISeYyKqfs
  19. I am back, and on fire! A new video is up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky6XWUSdIhA 7D2D #2 coming shortly! (Read my profile message @ youtube to know why I have not made a #2 for Rust yet!)
  20. Mission 7 is up! Should be 720p (when youtube is done processing it)! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpBdNQ488mQ This might be the last video before christmas, although it 'is' possible, I'll be able to squeeze in another "Rust" vid, or perhaps even a "7 Days to Die" video...! Merry christmas in case I wont! >
  21. I was happy to find out that there will be "PvE" servers, where PvP is impossible. I, myself prefer a creative enviroment, killing zombies and wolves instead of ganking new players, or players that are known to gank new players. In ruins the fun ><
  22. It's up! (#1) [Let's Play!] Rust - Survival is hard as my big... huge..... rock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txWfdNdPMZQ
  23. Currently, Rust is a much better game than DayZ (tried both now), so I will be making a few Rust videos shortly. Thank you for suggesting this!
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