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Posts posted by GalenAltaiir

  1. Um, to my mind, it doesn't really look that well, but that's just my opinion. I mean,. the mushroom-cloud is a good idea, but the the colors/ lights, they're just something else...

    Yeah, I mean, this is literally the first thing that came out of it. I was more interested whether people like the idea. Colours and textures should (hopefully) look bit more convincing once I play around with it bit more



    This mod has probably the best realistic explosions. This mod is pretty old and I don't know how no one ever posted anything about it back when you asked.


    Yeah, it's pretty good. Although I'm making effects for makermod (which I forgot to mention). So rather than having this as an explosion from a gun or a grenade. You'd spawn it using makermod if it's installed on the server.

  2. About a year ago, I created a topic asking for ideas to create in-game effects. Someone suggested realistic explosions, but I was too busy to really even give it a go. 


    Now a year later, I come back with the prototype of the effect. I'm not sure if it'll ever be available for download, or complete. But I'll do my best if I really feel up for the job.  :P

    For now, I just wanted to ask what people think of it, and if they have any further suggestions. As of now, there's only one effect, which I based on a nuclear explosion.








    The effect is not a script. but an actual effect. It takes about.. 10ish seconds to get from picture 1 to 4.


    So what do people think?  :P


    Note: Yeah, I just realised I put this in Requests and Suggestions rather than WIP. Whoops

  3. So, apparently there has been MakerMod 1.3 released in 2010, and for god's sake I can't find it anywhere. I'm still running on version 1.0 and would like to move up


    Could someone possibly give me a link to a download or something? Unless I was fooled into 1.3's existence :o


    Remove/Move this topic if in wrong section

  4. Yo guys, it's been a while since I've played JK or visited this forum. Nevertheless I come here with a question (which I might have asked before, I don't remember).


    Basically, I want to find out how does rocket tracking work from the game, and find the folder with the script(s) responsible for the rocket launcher, but I don't know where it is ._.


    I want to use it to make a script where fx follows the target and possibly triggers something once collided. Did anyone tried this before? You lot think it's possible to make script like this? xD Any ideas where I can find the folder? >_<


    I'm not sure if it's even the right section... Oh well, I can always change it / make new one in right section


    Asgarath83 likes this
  5. That's...pretty vague.

    What I mean are the effects I could make using EffectsEd, I probably should've mention that xD




    ^^That would be awesome.


    Well I'd like to watch a player model dissolve...like from acid.  That'd be interesting.

    I guess I could do that if I mix it with script. I wish EffectsEd was made better

  6. Would you guys want another JK game with same or even more flexible modding system and better systems (e.g. combat) + epic multiplayer (same as in JK3) ? Personally I would love it but only if it would be well-made, what you guys think? what you lot would like to see?


    PS: I'm learning programming (slowly, but I am) and in the future I want to be best game maker so you know... you never know what I could make ^,^ 

  7. Yo, Galen's here and I have another question to you - smart guys. 


    what program is used to make animations for JKA? Can it be blender? If so, in what format and how to swap new anim. with the old one?

  8. First thing is to have a folder structure on your HDD that matches the assets1.pk3 IE, C:/base/, from there extract the assets required , effects, shaders and textures so that inside of C:/base/ you should have 3 new folders, effects, shaders and textures. Open effectsEd and set the default game path to jk2 default but change it to C:/base/ (it'll be w:/base/ at first) and that should be it. When you open the program it likes to have all sort of weird error messages but opening the fire effect and playing it seems to work normally.


    It's been a long time since I've used the program so there may be more assets that I can't remember that it may need to open without all those error messages.

    What if I have the game installed in other directory, like this one: e:/lucasarts/kotf jedi academy expansion pack/gamedata/knightsoftheforce/base/ ; should I paste this directory then?

  9. Um.. Hello, I hope this is right section for this topic, anyway I have some questions about EffectsEd program

    So at the first place, can I somehow see the picture of shader on effect in program instead of just seeing squares without texture/shader?


    How can I add my own textures instead of using the ones from JKA like... for example  this one: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-icPD4N4eshg/UFMYuqPChyI/AAAAAAAADTQ/VVzr8AL5l90/s1600/ring-of-fire1.jpg 


    Are there any useful tips or things that should I know/learn how to use?


    That's it, at least for now :P

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