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Everything posted by y451n3

  1. Ok so I tried it with OpenJk and here's the result: (I recorded my screen explaining where I'm at and asking you questions, the following link is for that video, I uploaded it to a video sharing website cause I couldn't directly attach it here) https://imagekit.io/tools/asset-public-link?detail={"name"%3A"2025-01-27 22-27-00.mkv"%2C"type"%3A"video%2Fx-matroska"%2C"signedurl_expire"%3A"2028-01-27T21%3A48%3A09.166Z"%2C"signedUrl"%3A"https%3A%2F%2Fmedia-hosting.imagekit.io%2F%2F603d2ba584944f87%2F2025-01-27%2022-27-00.mkv%3FExpires%3D1832622489%26Key-Pair-Id%3DK2ZIVPTIP2VGHC%26Signature%3DmQtMkP9KxOJvIUhi3NQHAiK29p4DEFwhiqP1bK1z4dhBrwI1LjM5~MJuq8rS4TezIfO9A7IcCyQiwiWImYaLSDAbVxfRCfGFWfwxqyC7NnFPdmB-3UvINJPCISn656iBkYtWqJGUOzz8xSd13qNf~IIsd4EMEvSTvV1aMCu-~~im3p6IdBB5n9t~3rpcaa7wfx3-o4QpYh5ftsOuYUOKW6AOAdxOk-N-8Xs-xlXEGt~2j6xmHxJGB5R1tVgE9lvu2ovKpVQdkB652E0~tIfJIQyFIVTjHGhlJvkc~XDjr0GBj-KIJegWY6JVB5UrWYhxxAwlrrC8IXBEqXmR30JTLA__"}
  2. Hello Circa, Hello NAB622, Thank you both for replying, 1) Reply to NAB622: So I left the server running for 15-20min but I didn't see any heartbeat messages. The last line in terminal stayed the same, no additional lines spawned. 2) Reply to Circa: I had no idea that I needed to leave the server running for a long time I thought it would connect immediately. So I always closed it when it didn't work thinking there's no point in leaving it open, and that I have to fix what's wrong first to open it again, otherwise I'll get the same result. I was never mad or anything, I just didn't know. But now that you told me I need to leave it for at least a day to see if it works I'll try that tonight (I still haven't left it running longer than 20min). You'll find below screenshots of what port forwarding in my router looks like (I have a Nokia router), as well as what I did before I clicked add. I've also switched from TCP/UDP to UDP only. I also cleaned up the server.cfg (instead of seta I wrote set). And btw put the server.cfg file in gamedata => base folder So after all that I tried connecting the way you told me (as you'll see below) using another computer that has JA, but it's just stuck at "Awaiting connection", before I took the pictures I let it go to a 127 before I pressed ESC concluding it was a lost cause lol. And you asked me which connection I'm using, yes it's wireless, I'm using my router's Wifi. You can't setup a server with that? I think it's pretty stable And I forgot to mention that the server shows up in the "local" list. I even tried it on another computer connected to the same Wifi, the server also shows up in the "local" list of that other computer. So idk if this detail will help with diagnosing the problem. Another thing when I open multiplayer normally (client side), and I choose "Create game", after I start it, it disconnects and goes back to the main menu, but everything is blurry and weird and you can't read a thing, so your only option is to quit the game. Idk if that's supposed to happen or not. So checkout these screenshots and tell me what I could add or remove to make it work. Or is it just a matter of letting it run for a day or more (so it's just a matter of time)? Or is it because I'm using Wifi instead of an Ethernet cable? Also extra question: Do people join their own server using the same computer that's hosting the server?
  3. Hello Everyone, Hope you're doing alright, I've been trying to setup a jedi academy server for 2 weeks now with no success I've read and applied the tutorials I found on the website, but my server doesn't show up on the internet server list I found no taystjk specific tutorial though Anyways here's what I've done so far (Port forwarding, server.cfg, shortcut comand & final result) If you see something wrong tell me how to make it right Thank you
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