Ok, awesome! I copied my caps from another model, resizing them to my own model's parts in order to keep the proper formatting. I'm sure I'll be able to make the caps work with the transparency somehow. User NumberWan made a 2-1B medical droid.
I also checked my model vertices against an Episode 7 stormtrooper and they have about the same vertex count.
I'm at a point in my project where I can show off my work
These are temporary solid color textures just to show off basic color contrast. The black parts are going to be a dark purple color and slightly transparent, and you can see what the robotic skeleton will look like.
I'll be drawing new textures once the model geometry is finished.
Aiming for a Star Wars interpretation of Mega Man Zero, where he looks like Zero at a glance, but looking at the details he should look like a droid that would fit into Star Wars nicely.
Shooting for some of Star Wars' design language.
Model was kitbashed from several other models, and has some original geometry. I'll be sure to credit everyone when its ready
Now, I'm having trouble exporting the model though. When I go to do so I get an error I can't interpret (see pic) (google also isn't very helpful for this error)
It says something about weight. I sat down and started going through every model piece to check that it was attached to the proper bones and had weight assigned, and every part seems to have weight (unless I missed some, which is possible. I did this tired). Most parts seemed like they were already attached to proper bones and weighted properly given that the model is a kitbash.
Anyway in my frustration with going through each piece individually I looked at some tutorials and figured out how to "weight everything automatically" which worked, in the sense that it allowed me to export the .glm, but I realized it changed the hierarchy structure, parenting everything to the skeleton. So that .glm probably won't work.
Any ideas?