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  1. Update on the webaddress i am afraid it is basic no ad's etc. so bare with us in getting this sorted We also do have a server but for some strange reason it keeps crashing after 3 hour's. www.dbmclan.co.nr Server IP address is Mod JA+ There are custom maps on there please check the website so you can find out what map's they are and download them from filefront or jediknightfiles.
  2. Hey guy's some of you know me already as i have posted some help/advice on other mapping forums. I am also helping Sion doing this movie, so any more questions you can ask me too
  3. ask TnG to crash the server www.tng-clan.de they are the only ones who are still about thinking they are the best .
  4. Ok thanks i will have a look into it.
  5. Aw Okay, Well i can only do basic mapping, what i would like is a coding mod i mean, Just wanted something like DS-online or Dcmod 1.2 from jk2 to jkja. I don't know where to begin plus i am trying to learn C and C+ all abit confusing for me atm.
  6. Hi i do not know if there are any JK;JA Modder's still out there, How ever i am just curious if there are. If so would you like to spend a little time in a creating a mod for me? i have few idea's But i do not know where to begin or how to start on a new gameplay mod. Would be greatful if you could get intouch or something. Thank you. ~Angelus~
  7. Sorry for late repost been kind of busy of late, But got it to work thank you so much.
  8. thank you , one last question, How do you set vehicles on respawn? once it has been destroyed or taken i would like it to respawn once taken.
  9. ok been bit busy lately. It's all done now . Just need to figure on out how to adjust the camera angle tried and tried keep's being upside down >.<! Thank you for the help guys!
  10. then it has failed >.< ok i guess it is not possible then.
  11. Right i followed it step by step, but thing is i have no sfx? Sorry i am complete newbie at this.
  12. It is for MP, sorry i forgot to mention that i am new to this mapping too.
  13. Okay thank you. I just hope someone gets back intouch . it's doing my head in!.
  14. Hi, I do not know if i am posting this is in the right section, but i will give detail's here on i need some help. Basically i am doing a JKJA map, on GTKRadiant 1.4 and 1.5 (using both because either one does not like certain commads I dont know why). But anyway, I am just curious if there is away to make a Secruity camera in jkja? like in jk2 where you could look at a screen and see other players in different room. I have tried searching google and tried different tutorials out there. but none of them tend to work for me. Would be great if someone could get back to me. Once again sorry to Post this in wrong section? ~Angelus~
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