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  1. I don't think the cutter tool exists, I can't figure out how to create Trisoups? Anyone know what I'm missing?
  2. I don't know how you only have 3 marked solutions but thank you again
  3. Is there any way to make a cut from point A to B? I wanted to make tiles of triangles to create rocky terrain. I've tried using the clipper tool but it only shaves off one side There was a guide on hand-made terrain on here that described a cutter tool but I've been unable to find anything on it? Guide I was following:
  4. I don't think the cutter tool exists, I can't figure out how to create Trisoups? Anyone know what I'm missing?
  5. Thank you watching guides for different versions of radiant really messed with what I thought was possible, will figure out how to use the grid better
  6. Hi I'm extremely new to mapping, I'm trying to figure out how to perfectly connect these two vertex points from two separate patches, is it possible in gtkradiant 1.4? example: Sorry if very obvious question
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